Make It Go Away

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Suddenly, a memory surfaces.

I sit on the couch watching cartoons and hear the door swing open behind me. I hear someone stumble and a laugh. I look behind me and meet eyes with Wilbur.

He stares back at me with a grin. I can see dried tears on his face, however, he's never looked more carefree. He holds himself up with one hand on the counter and one hand was wrapped around a glass bottle of alcohol.

He takes another swig of the drink before laughing. He sounds so happy, like there's nothing that could bother him.

Wilbur stares at me before saying, "This is great, Tommy, you should try it sometime!"

I hear Phil's scolding immediately, "oh hush, Wilbur. Tommy, don't even think about it, you are no where near old enough to even touch that stuff and..."

But it didn't matter because the memory was already fading and all I could remember was the smile Wilbur had on his face so soon after crying.

That had been a few years ago, Techno and Wilbur were both 26 now of course since they were twins. I had been 13 when I'd had that memory.

I was 16 now, I was practically an adult. I was not a child, maybe if I acted older then they'd pay attention to me, treat me as an equal.

And Wilbur had looked so, so happy.... and it was all just too much to handle anymore. If Wil did it, then surely it couldn't be too bad.

Ah, who am I kidding, I don't care how bad it is.

I just care about making the pain go away, about my family seeing me as something other than a useless child.

And that was the last thought that ran through my head as I began to walk towards the group of old men who smelled of weed on the other side of the alley.

*                       *                             *                          *

"And why should we help you, kid?"

I winced at being called "kid" but didn't snap back at him, I needed them for this. I responded in a pleading, hurt tone.

"Oh, come on man, surely you can understand, understand the pain, needing it to go away. I need that right now, please."

The group looked at me skeptically before laughing, the man responded.

"Oh, alright calm down, of course we'll help. Anything for a fellow user."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I nodded and smiled all the same. I smiled as we walked to the alcohol store. I smiled as they handed me a pill that was also supposed to "help". I smiled as I took it and immediately felt lighter on my feet.

I smiled as I took the large bottle of clear liquid from the man, I heard his buddies talking behind him.

"Dude, he got him literally the strongest stuff in there."

"Hey, I mean the kids gotta relieve himself somehow."

"I don't know, man, maybe it wasn't such a good idea, we don't know his tolerance and shit."

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