Training - Chapter 12

Comenzar desde el principio

I chuckled awkwardly. "Yea, it makes sense. There's no way I'm in her league. I got way too ahead of myself."

Suddenly, he glares at me. "The hell you mean?"

"I mean, I'm just some average kid with a semi above average talent in solving cases, while Akamatsu is beautiful and a prodigy in piano. There's no way I'd add up to her-"

Suddenly, Momota punched me in the face and I fell to the ground.

"Clench your teeth Shuichi!"

I rubbed where he hit me. "O-Ow.." I looked up at him confused.

"That's for being weak, Shuichi. She rejected you once, and what? You give up immediately?" 

I nod. "I wasn't good enough for her anyways.." He punches me again.

"No! That's the wrong action. Think more of yourself! You're more than enough for her, so there's no point to stop trying!"

"There's no way I'm worthy.."

He punches me again.

"Come on! Get pissed off at me, I literally punched you!"

I say nothing.

"Was your love that weak that you're gonna give up right now!?"

I yell at him. "Yea, of course I'm gonna give up right now! My love isn't weak, it's just that she doesn't share those feelings, so I don't want to make her uncomfortable and keep trying! It's over!" 

He snickers. "Well, I'm glad you got some bite in you for you to yell back. Except, you're wrong."

"What do you mean?" I asked, still glaring at him.

"I know Akamatsu likes you back. I don't know why she's hiding it from you, but she does. It's my intuition, dude. Kaito Momota is never wrong!" he reaches for my hand and I let him pull me up.

"Sorry for hitting you, but you've got to stop belittling yourself."

"It's fine.." I wipe off the dirt from my clothes.

"Don't ever think you're worst than another person, unless that person's me, but that's only because I'm the man that'll set a path for humanity to go to the stars!" he laughed heroically but then started coughing.

He continued talking. "Don't let this bring you down, man. Be more confident in yourself. If you call yourself a man, you won't let this drag you down for long. Don't think because of this, you're not worthy enough for her. You're definitely worthy, because you're the sidekick of Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!"

I just smiled. "Thanks, Momota."

"No problem, Shuichi!" he gives me a thumbs up. "As long as you understand. Don't let this get you down, okay? It's not that big of a deal, treat her the same you always treated her!

I awkwardly smile. "I-I'll try." 

That's a lie.

How could this not bring me down? She probably thinks I'm stupid for confessing. Why would you confess to your friend of one month? I'm such an idiot. I walk home and enter my house. I slam the door and dash into my room. My uncle and Fuyuka are still at work, luckily. 

I'm such an idiot.

What is wrong with me?

How can I face her now?

She probably thinks less of me.

It's over, I made the rest of our relationship awkward.

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