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Jungkook's POV

I was driving my car going to tzuyu's school

And few hours later finally here I go outside

Kid:who is he
Tz:ahh he's my bf
Kid:he's husband and cute you choose the right guy
Tz:tsk your cute too and handsome
Kid:thank you
Jk:are we still waiting here
Tz:yes and be patient if he's alone he's poor

Night had come and we saw a girl running towards us

Girl:jay whoa are them did they hurt you
Jay:no mommy they stayed with me
Girl:really thank you so much for taking care of my child
Tz:no problem ma'am
Girl:we need to go thank you again

We both wave

Tz:the kid is so cute
Jk:we can make one *smirk*
Tz:tsk I didn't say now 🙄😒..were not married
Jk:fine I can wait

⚠️Small reminder I know it's little but I can post later once we came back we're going somewhere be patient⚠️


LOVE MATCH✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang