Chapter 23 - Rushed Times

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Time felt short, it wasn't supposed to, yet it does, no one knew what to do after hearing Sabre screamed. Fear of him being captured? The pain of there wings growing out of there back? He wasn't sure to say or think. Or even do! 

Should they panic?

Should they worried?

Should they go and ensure they're safe?

They all simply just don't know for sure what to do or say. 

All they can do, is simply wait. 


Well, except Orange. He told the others he would try and collect the other crystals, in hope of speeding up the time between traveling and allowing Sabre more time to recover instead of moving up and about. Less risk of him getting hurt and less time spent on worrying over the chicken hybrid Many many steves all love and care about. 

Not since the pain he gone through, all through out his life. 

Orange knows a lot of things so very few knew about. He knows that There's two sabre. One for the Steve Saga Realm and one for the Rainbow Quest Realm.

Orange knows that the loop has split.

He knows. There will have to be sacrifices made, to keep the balance what it is, or else, everything will simply disappeared.

For now, time is limited and they really need to hurry. 


Sabre couldn't tell if what he felt was just his imagination or simply reality. He can hear the soft words of his fathers, the gentle coolness that is from his ghostly brother. He just simply wasn't sure anymore. However, he still felt the agonizing pain that blossoms from his back. He knows he had gotten his wings, but he never realized just how agonizing it felt to even get them. 

He was tired. 

He was in pain. 

He just wanted rest from all the pain he felt all his life. 

He can't even remember his first life either, yet, he promise he would. 

A promise he broke unknowingly. 

He just wanted to sleep, he felt his father softly tell him to sleep, to get some rest, all while holding him closely, yet, comfortable for him. He could faintly hear his dad steady heartbeat. He will admit, he always felt relax when hearing his fathers heart beat or from someone he really cares about. 

It just made him felt safe. 

So, he let himself be swept into a dreamless slumber. 


Mr.Red POV

I sighed as I held Sabre closely. I didn't want him to feel more pain then he already had. How much I just wished me and Yellow King was there to for Raive and Sabre...Maybe we could have prevented Raive death. Maybe Sabre wouldn't feel so alone... 

I softly sighed as I gently comb sabre hair, it had gotten a bit longer then I last remember. I think.

I'm not sure anymore on what to think...

I look over at Sabre wings, still being carefully cleaned by Yellow King. It was small, but that was expected. It's still quite new really. It even have some baby floof as well-


Rainbow Steve, from the Steve Saga realm said that sabre was meant to get his wings when he was five.

Why did he get it now all of a sudden? Did something shift the realm balance or did something happened to sabre for it to be so very late?

"Your thinking the same thing as I am? Aren't you? About why sabre wings came in now all of a sudden at least." I look at Yellow king, who finished cleaning sabre wings and nodded a little. "Yeah, I do. I'm not sure what caused it to be honest... But at the same time... Just guilty of not being there for the kids..." I softly answered with a solemn look as I kept sabre close.

I heard yellow king softly sighed as he gently hugged me and Sabre. Raive hovers around, but stayed close to us. I softly smiled.

I missed us being a family...

If only I could walk again...


I destroyed my desk in a fit of rage. How dare they! I was so damn closed for accomplishing my goals, yet that damn thing ruined it all!

I glared at the many books that stands before me. I can easily destroyed them. Yet I won't. Not now at least. I growled as I marched over to a specific book. I stared at the book for a moment. This book is no ordinary book after all. Not like I have much reasons to used it really.

With a frustrated sighed, I called out to my two most promising servants.

Faceless and...

Corrupted Sabre.

A dark laughter echoed through out an ancient forest like swamp.


"Father? What have they done to you?"


I hope you all like how fast pace this chapter seems.

This book is coming to end soon. Wanted to rushed some things, as if as though time itself was imbalance in some ways.

Good luck deciphering what plans I have in store for them all.

Especially for the third book.



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