Chapter 17 - Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S DARKNESS ATTACKING THE 2ND YELLOW KINGDOM?!" The Yellow King shouted in surprised, yet dreaded tone. The guard could only sighed. "I speak the truth my king. However, that is not all to know. It seems as though Sabre is starting to show signs of his Hybrid Heritage." The yellow King was silent as soon that was said. 

He and Mr. Red knew that Sabre wasn't from this realm, but they both never knew that he was also a Hybrid. Something that would have been nice to know about. However, he realized with this information, it has it downsides. He knows just enough about hybrids to know what they can do and can't do, as well as what there advantage and downsides are. 

What's worst, the enemies could used Sabre in his weaken state as well. Something, he cannot risk. 

Oh and he's worried about when Sabre would start imprinting on who would be his family, he knows he might as well be a Chicken hybrid, cause of his love for chickens anyways. 

Did he forget to mentioned that he is internally panicking? Yeah, he's internally panicking right now. He and Mr.Red needed to get to Sabre, but they can't, he can't risk worsening Mr.Red condition, leave the camp and endangered the others. He hopes his brother is doing well in protecting Sabre in his place instead until then. 


He can't help, but feel as though he should strangle someone....


Kyzuri sighed in relief when he and the rest of the Yellow Steves arrived to the Orange Village. He was thankful that they all were understanding made a refugee area for them all. However, he was worried about how the others in the kingdom are doing against the Darkness that came to attacked. He can't imagine anything good either. 

After all. 

Sabre is likely going to grow his Hybrid features soon and it was at the Wrong Place, yet also the Wrong time. 


Orange sighed as he sit down, he and the rest of the Yellow guards had all managed to get rid of the Darkness from causing any damaged or getting closer to the town like kingdom. Honestly, he and the rest of the guards didn't expect for it to take so much energy and resources. Well, at least they fit rid of it without any casualties. 

With a bit of a struggled, Orange stood up, using the wall as support as he had used quite a lot of energies into making effective arrows to help destroyed the darkness as effectively as possible to prevent it from reconstructing itself and attacking again. He slowly, but quickly left and went inside of the castle like fortress and went to Lynell room. 

He is worried about Sabre and his well being after all, oh and he also wants to tell Lynell what's been happening. 

Did he also ever mentioned that none of them had any sleep cuz they spent almost the whole day fighting against the darkness? Yeah, that's probably explains why he seems so much more tired than expected. 

Anyways, by the time he had managed to get into the room, he found Lynell, still very much awake and haven't left Sabre side since then. Orange limped over and sit on the chair next to Lynell. Sabre looks as though his condition hasn't changed quite yet, which was still worrying. 

"How goes the battle?" Lynell quietly asked, Orange just sighed. "Exhausting. Managed to get rid of the Darkness, but in result, used a lot of Resources and energy holding them back to the point it either fled or get destroyed." Orange answered, Lynell can tell just how exhausted Orange is just by the tone of his voice. Lynell just sighed, then forced Orange to lay down on the bed next to Sabre. 

"Get some rest Orange, we'll talk more about what to do about Sabre condition after you get some rest." He said, Orange was about to Protest, only to stayed silent upon seeing a stern look from Lynell. He nodded a little and just passed out as soon as he gotten comfortable. 

Lynell sighed as he stood up, walk over to the window and look out the said window, almost as if he's lost in his own thoughts, wondering what the future would hold for them all. 


"He's gaining his hybrids features soon...are you sure you don't want to be there for him when it comes?"


"Okay then. What do you think the other team is doing?"


"What do you mean Gerald will have to eventually learned just how cruel and unfair his position as the seer would be?"


"Oh...Right. He would have to see those he cares and love eventually die or disappeared."


"Faceless? As far as I'm aware, he's dead."


"You didn't see him? How strange...Perhaps, he survived that day..."


"What? Oh no no no! Aria said she wouldn't add ships involving Sabre!....Unless it was unintentionally shown...Which is quite often really."


"Oh, okay then. Um, do you think Sabre lack of memories of the past a good or bad thing?" 


"How is it a good thing?"




"Ahh, right, very well then, I'll get back to my mission now. Perhaps, maybe, we'll come across them again? Well, maybe, erm, you still sure that leaving Origin Steve within Sabre mind was a good idea?"


"Yeah yeah, I know it's important all, what about the first curse and Elemental death?" 


"....Well, I feel bad for everyone. Anyways, uh, back to work I guess. I mean, this is the wrong place and wrong time to even talk at all about this anyways." 


What do you all think that conversation was? Perhaps it's important, perhaps it's not. We shall see what will happen next in the next chapter, shall me? ;)


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