Chapter 6 - Orange Crystals and Nightmares

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Sabre POV

I groan in annoyance, I was really comfortable with sleeping! That is, until I felt the blanket be taken, I grabbed the blanket and take it back, trying to go back to sleep. 

Until I was splashed with water. Angered and annoyed, I got up at glared at a very much happy Orange Steve. I glared at him as I summoned some EXTRA cold ice water, he immediately stopped smiling and instantly ran away from me. Of course, I just chased after him with the intent to make him suffer. 

"ORANGE GET BACK HERE." I shouted in anger, chasing after Orange Steve who screams in fear. 


After a good while, I caught Orange Steve and stand before him, T-Posing after I had dumped EXTRA cold water on him. I casually just smiled as Orange Steve whimpers due to the cold. "I h-hate y-you S-Sabre!" Orange Steve managed to say, shivering due to the cold. I just laughed and summoned a weighted blanket, putting it on Orange Steve, who sighed in relief. 

I rolled my eyes. "Your such a baby to the cold you know." I say, he growls. "Hey, I'm not the one who has the similar abilities to the other steves, but correlates to a specific elements." He taunted, I rolled my eyes again. "Yada yada. I have the clever knowledge of a red steve, but also the strength of one, if I bother trying to train. The creativeness of a orange steve, like you buddy." 

Orange Steve just stared at me unimpressed.

"Then I got the speed of a yellow steve- Of course I would run! I always run, well, at least, in my past life I always did. Dad never told me much since he doesn't know either. Oh and I'm sensitive with emotions thanks to the Violet Steves. There's also the Purple Steve, teleportations, would be useful if I know what to do. There's the green Steves- They're amazing healers and therapist actually." I said, thinking about it for a moment. 

Orange Steve nodded. "Yeah, they're great therapist honestly, but I hate there leader though. Too stiff and serious honestly." He said, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he really is honestly. Even though we met him ONCE, he's still wasn't that cool at all." I say as I sit down on the couch. 

"You know, you both should hurry and get the crystals, right? I mean, Nightmare King has already made a move on getting them." 


I stared at the person that spoken, who is the spirit of Raive.


Hello nothingness-


Orange Steve Pov

I panicked immediately after Sabre just fainted after seeing Raive spiritual form, I was about to catch him, but Raive beat me to it and caught him and held him close as he sighed. "Honestly, I'm not all that surprised that he would faint, he probably just thinks it's a nightmare, a cruel one at that." Raive trailed off as he held Sabre. I just look at them both, worried. "Of course he would, you have been dead for so long, it was hard for him to move on to say the least. Especially since you was his last family at the time." 

Raive just sighed as he floats, cradling Sabre in his arms, wrapping his wings around him. 

"I missed you both honestly..." 

"We missed you too, Raive." 

"...Also, by the way, dad ain't dead." 

I stared at him for a moment- "WAIT WHAT?!" 


Orange Leader sighed as he look at the Orange Crystal, watching it hums softly in a pale orange glow. He was confused to say the least, unsure why it's even glowing as it is. Perhaps, the crystal is missing the rest of it's powers? He did not know, all he can do, is guard over it until the time comes for when the next Rainbow Steve would have to be summoned, or better yet. 



Why is there a apple here- 


Stop breaking the Forth wall Orange Leader.



(A/N: Pretend that didn't happen-)


Nightmare King Pov

I watched as the Yellow Steves report to me that the second yellow kingdom is steadily gaining power, I silently growled, then realized something. I can used that kingdom to my advantage. If I can just get the darkness to somehow destroyed that kingdom, getting all of the Yellow steves there to fled to this kingdom. I can actually get at the least, almost ALL of the Yellow Steve in the land. 

Excluded those in that stupid camp. 

Hm, I think this is a fine idea. Letting the Kingdom fall, one. By. One. 




Soon, they all will realized, the Darkness will be the answers to there salvation. They all don't even realized, how selfish and naive they will be, once the hero is born. Hehehe. Now, all I must do, is wait for someone to collect all of the Crystals for me. 

Or I can just go about my day and ensure that the True king can no longer returned to rule. 


Why do I feel like I foreshadowed?

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