Chapter 20 - Unlikely Ally and The Camp

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Orange sighed as he look at a sleeping Sabre, that he's carrying on his back, covered by a cloak. He slightly smiled and continued down the path to a camp that he, Gerald and Jeremy are heading to under orders by Lynell, but also to unveil a secret that's been left in the dark for far too long.

Oh and also, Jeremy was that Yellow Steve with a chestplate, which is also the same steve that helped them with some issues in the Orange Town.

He was a nice guy honestly, really.

Anyways, he wasn't sure why Jeremy and Gerald had to come along, but he guess it would be alright seeing as he got his hand full with carrying Sabre on his back. Even tho he's still sorta sick and sleepy, he's adorable still.

Oh and Raive is with them now this time, apparently he had left to go collect some herbs that would help Sabre when he grows in his wings. Which, would be bloody and pain.

He gives his condolences to Sabre cause he doesn't do well when it comes to pain. Or what the pain could be when it comes to growing in wings. He just hopes he can handle it at least.

"Hey Orange? What would you do if you were to see Raive and Sabre parents actually still alive?" Jeremy asked, Orange and Raive was startled by the question, but Orange was confused on why he was being question. "I guess I be shocked and surprised. Although why asked me specifically instead of like asking Sabre or Raive." He wondered in utter confusion.

Jeremy shrugged as they continued walking. "I don't know what secrets you guys have, but I do know that you guys had different endings. Raive was meant to die by the darkness. Orange and Sabre should have been older, not childrens." He told them, looking back at all of there startled and shocked look. Even Gerald was shocked about the information Jeremy had just told them.

"Wait- What do you mean by that Jeremy??" Raive asked, utterly startled. Jeremy shrugged and look at them with a solemn look. "Orange. You weren't the only one sent to the past. I was sent back for a different purpose. One, I have yet to learned of. What about you Orange?" Jeremy instead asked, Orange was silent.

The whole trek to the camp was silent.

"...I was sent back to changed the future I guess. Not just that, but to also prevent Sabre from ceasing to exist." Orange quietly answered, from that response, the group was once again silent. They never expected to hear something like that, heck, they never knew what Orange true purpose really had been.

Gerald on the other hand, was scared of losing his only family, well, with the extension of Sabre family as well. He didn't want to lose them all, not one bit.

It was silent as they all continued to go to the camp they needed to go to before night fall...

Until the silent was ruined by Sabre making a small chirp like sound.

"Did Sabre just-" "Orange, Sabre definitely did-" "That is the most cutest thing Sabre have ever done since he was just a smol child."


Everyone silently made a promise to try and keep Sabre innocence. Keyword. Try.


A few hours had passed by and they had arrived to the camp, it was getting closer to Nightfall, so they were all thankful they had arrived quickly. Jeremy showed them around, even though some of the Yellow Steves were surprised to receive visitors. But it's a welcoming change really.

However, now has the time come for Orange, Raive and a still asleep Sabre to meet someone that they had though had been gone for years.


Raive and a still asleep Sabre would be shocked and happy.

Orange gonna just hope he doesn't get smited for accidentally kissing Sabre...

(Yellow king: Excuse me, but, THAT STEVE DID WHAT NOW?

Now not time, L A T E R man

Yellow king: fine >:/)

With a nervous glance at one another, Orange, who is still carrying the sleeping Sabre, followed after Jeremy. Raive floated after them and Gerald trailer behind them. Once they gotten to room, there, sitting on a throne...

Was Sabre and Raive father. The True Yellow King.


I wondered around, surveying the surrounding area. Years since I last appeared. Years since that faithful day. Years since I was out casted. But now, I truly have a proper planned to restore what was once mine.

Origin was a fool for joining there side. I had thought he and the rest of the steves from that rainbow town was captured or killed. Alas, they only wanted the remaining base colors steves dead and the special steves imprisoned.

What a foolish decisions.

Light Steve somehow escape.

Galaxy is trapped in his own mind.

Elemental and time are missing.

Memory is missing.

Void is trapped alongside galaxy.

Overseer escape along side light.

Plague is... I don't know. Probably dead.

Dark is missing.

Shadow is missing.

Reverse fled to his own dimension.


Overseer, that stupid sheep, managed to get many many of the steves to fled somewhere. Where that is? No one knows.

Rainbow Steve is dead, I would know, I witness it from the shadows.

Now. This cave. What is this cave really?

What is with the stupid armor all chained up? Oh wait, never mind. I just momentarily forgot who this was.

"... Ahh, Faceless, what do I owe from a visit from you?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to say that events are going as plans. Even if, altered somewhat."

"Good. They know nothing to my ties with that little savior of theirs."

"Of course. Shall I proceed with the next step? The unnamed... Or should I say. The first cursed?"



You didn't expect this did ya? Hm? Ahh yes, I wanted to.... Speed up the story a bit, add more informations, give perspective on others. So yeah, this was made.

Oh and we're getting closer to the end of this book.

Anyways, this is all for this chapter, see ya another time. :D

I got plushies to draw.


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