Chapter Two

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They didn't get two miles down the road before Rebel fell asleep. She was leaning on the door, hair falling in her face, the smell of liquor wafting off of her. If she didn't wake up with a hangover he'd be surprised. Hell, he was surprised she hasn't brought it all back up yet.

The drive to her dad's house was twenty minutes. He parked as best he could--he didn't drive trucks, he rode his bike, ok? Give him a break.--and went around the lifted monster. Rebel was still passed out and he did his best to get her down and out without her falling to the ground.

The front door was unlocked because, honestly, who the fuck is stupid enough to steal from Banks Montero?

The house was picked by the late Isabelle Montero, Banks's Old Lady. It was a two story farm house with a wraparound porch, and an attic that was converted into an art studio for Isabelle and it was always locked. The house was on fifteen acres of land that had a swimming hole, forest for hunting, and acres covered in mud. Banks had a grade A pool installed in the backyard, complete with waterfall and rainbow colored LED lights that Rebel insisted on. There was a garden but no one was allowed in there. The last person who was ended up getting shot in the thigh.

Rampage carried Rebel up the stairs and to the bedroom at the end of the hall. He kicked the door open, laying her on the bed. Boxes lined one wall from her dorm at the college. Everything else was exactly the same. Posters covering the walls of country singers and rock bands, vanity covered in girly shit, dresser clean except for the one drawer with a bra hanging out. Yup, exactly the same.

Rebel looked like a sleeping goddess. Her hair fanning over the pillow, red lips parted just slightly. She had a look of peace and innocence about her while she slept, like she wasn't sent to reek havoc on them and torment him.

Rampage left the room. Rebel was just too much for him to handle, even sleeping. She was too much of a temptation for him. He closed the door and went downstairs, pulling a beer out of the fridge and making himself comfortable on the couch.

He could have gone back to the clubhouse, but since he took Rebel's truck he decided to wait til morning and get a ride. Plus, there was no way in hell he was gonna let her be home alone her first night back.


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Rampage opened his eyes and saw Rebel standing there. She was wearing cut off shorts--cut a little too short for his liking--a black crop top with spaghetti straps, showing off her belly peircing and a tattoo he hadn't seen yet, and black cowboy boots. Her hair looked fluffy so he had a feeling she showered and blow dried her hair before coming down here.

He would like to say that the sight of her didn't make him hard, but that would be a lie. Her tits were large, perky mounds, almost popping out of the top and she had an ass to match. Her hair was a bright cherry red color, like some women might get out of a box, but hers was natural. She got the red hair from her mom and the ice blue eyes from her dad.

Rampage sat up, trying to hide the evidence of the effect she had on him. "Morning."

"Don't 'morning' me, you son of a bitch. Get out of my house!" Rebel snapped.

"And miss breakfast? Not a chance." He got up and walked into the kitchen, opening cabinets and looking in the fridge.

"You're not staying. You're leaving," she said, closing the cabinet he was looking in.

Rampage opened his mouth to reply, just to piss her off more, cause honestly this was hot as fuck. But they heard the front door bang against the wall and multiple pairs of feet stomping down the hallway to the kitchen.

The Bikers Rebel (Warriors Series {3})Where stories live. Discover now