It is really quiet, it seems, which isn't a bad thing. I still can't focus on my math homework, so if you have any recommendations for music I can play while doing math homework, then out with it. I'm here all evening. Anyway, here is a request from PowerLesbian, because she's sad and needs a nice song to vibe to - here is girls by girl in red.

PowerLesbian: Thank you, you're the best T^T

          >eyebags-for-days: No, you.

                       >PowerLesbian: :)

PresentationMichael: I like the calmer vibes, but I can't deal with them right now, so I'm gonna call it a night and tune out. First time in months I went to bed this early, but I'll get sad if I get any more time to think. You're doing great, though.

          >eyebags-for-days: Are... Are you okay?

                         >PresentationMichael: Sure, little listener. Always ready to party. Just tired.

ne-chan: It's really weird how quiet it is today.

           >ImagineHumanPotatoes: I kinda like the peace and quiet. It's very calming. Plus, with                      the hero course kids gone, it kinda gives some other people the chance to call in and chat.

                        >ne-chan: That's true. Shinsou seems to be the late night helpline at the moment.

                                     >eyebags-for-days: I guess so. I don't really mind, though. I don't get why                                                people should feel better talking to me, but if it makes them feel better, I'm                                            all ears.

                                                   >ne-chan: Make sure not to burn yourself out :)

It seems everyone is feeling a little down today, huh? Anyway, if anyone wants to talk, you can just call in or send in a text or whatever. I really don't mind, I guess I'm kind of in a very zen mindspace right now. Anyway, my phone is ringing, so this must be PotatoDoctor. Let's see what's up, I guess.

Hitoshi quickly picked up the phone, not even really sure who PotatoDoctor was. The face didn't seem familiar and the name didn't ring any bells for him. He wondered which course they were in - probably not one of the hero courses. Maybe Gen Ed? Or Management? Well, Hitoshi would find out soon, wouldn't he?

"Hi, Shinsou here." he said as he picked up the phone.

"Uhm... hey... this feels kinda weird. Oh, I'm PotatoDoctor, by the way. Uhm..."

"Hey, man. I kinda guessed it would be you. Just relax, there aren't that many people that are listening in, anyway, and the ones that are here are all very nice. What course are you from, PotatoDoctor?"

"I'm a second year Gen Ed student."

"Hey, cool. You're from my department! So what's up? What's bothering you, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Uhm... see, I've seen you at the Sports Festival and... I just thought it was really cool, how you were so determined about becoming a hero and just seemed to take all the setbacks like that, planning around them, quickly making up a plan B and all. I was wondering... how do you do that? Because... I really want to be a doctor, it's like a lifelong dream of mine, but it's really tough to get into a university, especially since I don't even have a healing-related Quirk, so yeah... I just often have days where I'm wondering if there is even any point studying so hard and trying so hard, when it's very unlikely I'll even get into medical school, you know?"

"Oh wow, that seems like a big goal. Uhm... I'm not sure what to say to that, because... well, it might have looked like I was taking everything in stride and wasn't too worried at all, but... I really wasn't. I'm not sure if you were listening in before the festival, but I was falling apart, man. I was constantly doubting myself and I'm still doubting myself. I know, I really want this, but... I mean you know the story of me and my Quirk, it's not that easy and it's a lot of hard work and in the end we both probably can just hope for the best."

"Really? I don't know, that's just such a sad thing to think about. There are so many people who have healing related Quirks and just no interest in the medical field and then there are people like us, you know? It's kinda bullshit, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, it's a whole lot of bullshit. But you know what? You're probably already working so hard for your dream and so am I and... well, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but at least we've tried everything, right? I suppose that's the only thing we can really do. Just... keep trying, finding ways around all the stupid rules and get where we wanna be, even if it's not that straight forward."

"Yeah, I mean, you're right. And I know that usually, but sometimes it just... it feels a bit lonely, being in that situation. But you probably know that just as well as I do. And it's just so easy to get discouraged. Especially when people tell you all about how you can be whatever you want and you can achieve whatever you want, if you believe in yourself - and it's bullshit. There is so much hard work in it, even for people that do have the right Quirks or the right connections or whatever. And even more so for everyone else. It's just... It's very discouraging to have that extra struggle."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It can really suck sometimes. But hey, it's either giving up or just struggling through, so... I mean, in the end, all we can do is try our best. If being a doctor is the thing you really want to do then you can only continue trying your best and hope that it's enough. And if it's not, then there will probably be another way that'll give you the opportunity to make it."

"Yeah, that's true. I mean, it's what I tell myself all the time, but sometimes it just... it's just not enough. It's good to hear it from someone else. Thanks, dude."

"No problem at all. People like us - I guess we'll have to stick together, huh? Call in anytime if you feel like you need to talk."

"I will, thanks. I'm really glad you're doing this, I mean... yeah, there is one singular counsellor at UA, but Hound Dog is already booked out with mostly hero course students and with all the trauma the first years have already been through... you know, it's good to have someone to just rant to. Keep it up."

"Thanks. I'm glad I could help, I mean, I've never really done this and I'm probably not qualified for any of this, but... I can try my best."

"You're good at it, though. Maybe it's something to do with your Brainwashing Quirk. Maybe you just have a good feeling for people. Anyway, I'm feeling a little better now. Thanks again and take care. Bye!"

"Bye!" Hitoshi said, as the guy on the other end hung up. He wasn't sure how to feel about this conversation right now, but... he was kind of proud of himself. It seemed like people were actually looking up to him and that was an entirely new feeling for him. Maybe... maybe he could use this for something good.

Well, that was PotatoDoctor. Hopefully soon a real doctor. Guys, if you can give a little support to him in any way, I'd appreciate it. Maybe we can use this whole thing as a kind of platform to help each other out. You guys helped me out with preparing for the Sports Festival, it would be cool to be giving something back.

In the meantime, here is our next song: Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face.

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