is it him or this disk pt 2

1.8K 56 26

Words: 200
Comments:holy shit. N
bro I thought this story was gonna have 200 reads by the 6th chapter WHF 1.08K READS ???????? :)

Ranboo walked up in a fimullar place technos....home?  The enderman looked around before trying to get up with caused him to make a yelping like sound "kid? You good" a person that sounded like phill asked coming up the stairs.

"Yea I'm okay...what.. happened?" Ranboo asked phill as phill sat next to him with some food. "Well from what we heard from tommy... he choose his disc over you...." phill sighed and helped ranboo sit up before continuing "and..uh dream...he kinda put you into a tank and filled it with water.." phill finished.

Ranboo looked at his hands. Seeing al, the burn marks isn't was obvious that phill was saying the truth. Tschno came up the stairs and greeted ranboo with a slight nodding. " thank yall so much..." ranboo said pulling the 2 into a hug

Okay so I know that comments go at the begining but fr I checked my notifications today two people where just fighting so what not time to complete this one-shot. Also thank yall for the reads!   

why is he still here [ranboo angst One-shots] (OPEN FOR Request)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora