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Leila's POV

I opened my eyes, feeling a little disoriented. The pills must still be having their effect on me, because I wanted to sleep again. Taking the blankets off, I gingerly walked out of the room. When I got to the kitchen, I found Tori eating her dinner, while she was texting someone at the same time. When she saw me, the phone was dropped and she came to my side.

"Why are you awake? You should be sleeping."

"I'm thirsty."

She led me to the couch while she went to the kitchen to get some water. After drinking the entire cup, I took the remote and turned on the TV. A sitcom was playing, so I just watched that. Tori came in later with a plate of food. She gave it to me, and I thanked her before eating it.

"What happened after I drank the pill."

Tori smiled then, a genuine smile that had me wondering what was going on in that head of hers.

"Adam carried you to his car and drove us here. He even carried you into your room and tugged you in."

I stopped chewing then, eyes widening due to the news I'd just heard.


She shrugged then, her smile turning into a grin.

"What? You expected me to carry you? You're like a walrus to me. You looked like a piece of paper in his arms."

She laughed then, and I took a pillow and hit her with it. Her laughter turned to coughs, and I let her be while I ate my food. After her coughing fit was over, she sat up straight again.

"He does care about you though. I can see it. He was the first to get to you when you were hit by the ball. He looked genuinely concerned about you."

I kept on shoving food in my mouth, acting like she hadn't said anything, my gaze straight on the TV. Just the idea of him holding me close made me feel all giddy inside.



I played with the food in my plate.

"I........I think Adam."

There was a silence in the room, then there was a sudden scream and she began to jump around, giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Finally, you've said it!! I knew it! I just knew you did!!"

"When did you know?"

"That day you told me that you were going to the carnival."


"I do, but I don't think he likes me."

Her brows creased, clearly showing her confusion.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he?"

I sighed, taking another spoonful of the food and shoving it in my mouth. I replied when I was done chewing.

"I don't see it happening. This all feels like one big fantasy to me."

Sighing as well, she crouched down so we were eye to eye.

"I'll go get the ice cream."


I laid in my bed, playing a wordsearch I'd found in one of Tori's old magazines. I'd let a lofi live stream play while I killed time. Sleep just couldn't come to me tonight. I'd just realized that I actually liked Adam, but I didn't think that he'd want to be with anyone at this point. I didn't tell Tori that he still hadn't let go of his wife and that I'd brought her up once, and he'd blacked out on me.

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