Chapter 138: Jae-ha's Chains

Start from the beginning

"... No."

Both of them looked up, equally as shocked.

Jae-ha smiled charmingly with an aura that pulled them both in. "I just wanted to try touching her hands."

The girl held it up to the light, in awe that they looked so clean in such a short period of time. She opened her mouth to thank him but he swiftly cut her off without meaning to.

"They're beautiful." He said.

She blushed at the compliment, holding her hands tightly to her chest.

The other woman's expression was unreadable, but not unpleasant. If anything, she looked rather stunned at the sincerity underlying his flirty tone. He was nothing like the other patrons who came here.

He was absolutely captivating.

Then, Jae-ha's eyes went wide as a scream pierced the air.

The next instant, he was up on his feet, ready to race out the door and help whoever was in distress but a hand caught him before he could even make one step towards the exit.

It startled him how fast she was, her reaction time was almost on par with his.

"Did you hear someone's voice just now?" He asked, careful to hide the accusatory tone he was tempted to take with her.

The woman laughed easily, the sound bordering on seductive as she tried to get him to sit back down. "Yes, it was a guest in another room."

Jae-ha noticed how she didn't reveal her mouth the entire time she talked behind her sleeve.

"I wonder if he got drunk and stirred up a ruckus." She commented, entirely too unbothered for it to be a coincidence.

This time, he tried to brush her off to go and see for sure to make sure no one was in trouble but her grip was unyielding.

"It's alright, it's a normal thing." She told him.

A soft rustle from outside followed by a barely noticeable 'thump' had him refraining from showing his reaction.

Jae-ha inwardly scolded himself for being so naïve. It was clear that someone had been watching him for some time now and this wasn't the time to be rash. He nearly forgot what he came here for.

"Putting that aside," The woman purred, offering up a cup of clear liquid. "Why don't you have some high-grade liquor made from the rich land of the Water?"

The girl, who had yet to say anything this entire time, was now holding the pitcher but as it trembled when she poured it into the cup he held out and his eyes darkened.

So it's not just me... these girls are also...

Jae-ha didn't allow himself to finish that thought as he drew his arm in, observing the way the alcohol swirled in the dainty cup. Far too precious for it to go to waste, and yet...

This place might be lying in even deeper darkness than Awa.

He craved it. He needed it. To live in a world where he was no longer bound by the foolish legacy of the dragon warriors, he needed to forget all of it.


He just needed to forget that part.

Jae-ha was just about to take a sip when the cup was swiped out of his hand with a cry.

"No!!" The girl burst out, snatching it while he was distracted by his thoughts.

"A-Rin, what are you doing?!" The woman shouted in alarm as she raised it to her lips.

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