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silver; *brings wave and moon and lays them on the floor*

wave; *sleep on floor laying in fox form*

everyone-wave; WAVE WAKE UP

wave; hmm?

moon; hmm

wave; *blushes* why are you on mEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

moon; same question that i want an answer for

wave; *hisses*

moon; *growls*

silver; *pushes them closes together and holds them there* hehe

wave; i swear lemme go!!!!!!!!!

silver; or what?

wave; *looks at blaze* did he just ask me that?

blaze; ....uhhh.....umm....uhm.......yes?

wave; im not kissing not gonna do what were doing today....

tails; number one today cream has the book.....

cream; two use them manners i taught you!!!!

wave; *ears go down* sorry......

moon; *shocked that wave has manners*

blaze; *shocked that it took cream to telll wave to use his manners*

cream; now as a punishment.......for today you gotta use manners thats from me and the dare today is........ a and moon gotta not be evil or annoying first one too act evil or annoying loses

moon; if i win.......i kill silver


wave; right now i want her to win so you can always put me with either, under, beside, kissing, ontop, or making out everytime its because silver made us do so...............soo you lost my vote for you too win.....but if i win i get you a vasectomy.......

silver; no matter who wins im still gonna be hurt.....

wave/moon; you deserve it....

silver; i wanna see my ship sail.....

wave; i think each time you try that you push us apart...

moon; i agree

blaze; i agree more than you both....

cream; im starting to regret his punishment now cause of the dare it may make him win...

wave; *asleep*

moon; WAVE

wave; *jumps to ceiling* WHAT *shaking* i was sleep.....

moon; its.......4am

wave; exactly super early..

moon; not

wave;; your an wake up a assassin i sleep to whatevers best for me.....and thats 9pm to 10am

moon; no wonder you have no money

wave; i mean im a substitute for shadow when he can't finish his mission at g.u.n........

moon; so? i have a heart......your the one that doesn't.....

wave; *shock* and i want it back......

moon; if you have no heart how do you live, breath, bleed, and best of all LOVE

wave; easy.....i remember how it felt to be loved and love others.........

modern sonic truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now