Chapter 10: A little bit of courage

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you should talk to little sister telepathically and her you're okay. She's sitting on the bed waiting for you." I frown when I realize Lucas had walked out of the bathroom naked then realize what he's said.

"I can talk to Ash telepathically?" I feel him frowning as he speaks. I distractedly let Gabriel take over drying my hair.

"Of course. As Queen you should be able to link up mind to mind with anyone even before you got pregnant." All three of us speak through our link at the same time.

"Jarek." Lucas swears and speaks again.

"It's okay love just think about Ash and say something in your head. I'll block us out until you learn to do so." I close my eyes and lean against Gabriel as I think of Ash.

"Ashie?" I feel Ash start and then answer through our link.

"Ri? Is that you?" I feel her surprise and I smile.

"Yes, and I'm okay now just a little shaken up. Lucas said that you were upset?" I can feel her anger through the link.

"Of course I'm upset. You were hurt and the dumb guards wouldn't let me in."

"I'm sorry Ashie. I'll talk to them." I feel her smile grimly.

"I took care of it." I blanch at the image of a sword in her hand and open my eyes to meet Gabriel's eyes. I open the link to the guys as I speak again.

"You fought with a sword?" Ash answers me quickly when she realizes what I am really asking.

"They are all alive. I didn't kill anyone." I sigh and sag against Gabriel.

"Okay let me finish getting ready and we'll be there in a sec." I shut the link to her down as Lucas walks back in with our clothes and speaks aloud.

"You got the hang of the links pretty fast." I grin up at him cheekily as I take the clothes from his hands.

"I learn from the best." His eyes remain puzzled as he watches Gabriel and I get dressed.

"Why is it bad if Ash fights with a sword?" I shudder and look over at Gabriel. His eyes mirror the horror that I feel as we both look back at Lucas. I blink up at him as I speak in a whisper.

"You never want to see Ash with a sword when she's pissed." Lucas laughs at us, thinking we are joking but I grab his hand and yank so he looks me in the eyes. I open our link so he can feel what we are feeling.

"If Ash ever loses it and she has a sword in her hand, run. Run and don't look back. There is only one person she won't kill. Just one." Lucas smile fades when he realizes how serious we are.

"Who?" I smiled wanly.

"Me. Trust me she'll kill anybody else when she goes nuclear and it doesn't matter who they are." I slide my shirt on and slip out of the bathroom leaving Lucas to get dressed. Gabriel follows me to our room. I stop outside the door and place my hand on his.

"Can you go get me some Mac & Cheese and some pickles and a four course meal. I am starving." He smiles and nods before leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips.

"Anything for you Riki. Anything." I grin and walk into my bedroom to see Liam and Kade are sitting on my bed with Ash. I frown at them and raised a brow. They both stand hastily and hurry from the room as I walk over to sit beside Ash. As I turn to her I held my arms open and we hug. I feel my whole body relax as she hugs me back. We sit like that for a moment, comforting each other. I go to pull back so I can look her in the eyes, when it happens. I feel everything slow down, then everything twists up and goes black. 

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