I smile.

Y: 'It as a really nice one, you want some fruit and cream?'

J: 'Depends on the cream,'

I turn around to him and he bursts out laughing.

J: 'I mean whether it's the full fat cream or not, dam ok freaky virgin'

I giggle.

Y: 'The one with no fat is the one I'm using,'

J: 'Yeah, I'll have that thanks,'

Y: 'What fruit?'

J: 'Dont mind, anything but bananas, hate them'

I smile and nod. I hand him his bowl and he smirks.

J: 'So what you doing today?'

You shrug.

Y: 'Dont know, you?'

J: 'Same, most of my mates have dates out so it's just me'

I giggle and nod. I finish my fruit and cream and go back to my room. I think of something I can do for Josh and then an idea pops into my head. I get up and grab my stuff and go down to the car.

An hour later, I get back to the apartment with supplies and thankfully Josh isnt in. He left a note on the side saying hes gone to get in some extra practise and he will be back at 5. I check the time and I have 3 hours. I start to set up and finish setting up an hour later.

I take an hour break and then go back to the kitchen. I smile at my work and get out ingredients for dinner. I put the hot food in bowls just as I hear the door open and Josh yelling hes back.

I put the food on the table and smile. I grab the blindfold and run up the stairs to his room. You knock and go straight in.

Y: 'Put this on'

Josh looks at me and smiles.

J: 'Hi to you too, why?'

Y: 'Shut up and you might see'

I stand on his bed and tie the blindfold around his eyes. I take his hand and its surprisingly soft. I smile and gently walk him out his room and at the top of the stairs.

Y: 'Ok I'm gonna take the blindfold off bend down, keep your eyes closed until I say open,'

J: 'Alright bossy'

I giggle and I untie the blindfold. He stands back up and O smile.

Y: 'Ok open your eyes and go down'

Josh starts going down the stairs and I smile. He looks up at me and smiles.

J: 'You did all this for me?'

Y: 'No this is for my boyfriend get fucked you'

He bursts out laughing.

Y: 'I didnt want it to be romantic as in like a date, but I just wanted to say thanks for the stuff you gave me this morning. I couldn't not get you something'

He smiles.

J: 'Aw thanks roomie, oh my God did you make those noodle things I love?!'

You giggle and nod.

Josh leans up and takes my hand and I go down to the table.

J: 'Is this why you went out?'

Y: 'Yeah, I was in my room thinking then i thought of this.'

Josh smiles and I sit down.

Y: 'Sorry the noodles may be a little cold, I finished making it just as you came in'

J: 'No they taste amazing, definitely one of my new favourite meals'

I giggle and eat. Once we are both done, I pick up the plates and start to load the dishwasher.

J: 'Let me help,'

I smile and accidentally touch his hand picking up the same plate. I smile at him and take it from him. Once were done, Josh leans back in his chair and smiles.

J: 'Come on, let's go be single fucks and watch a movie'

I laugh and nod.

Y: 'I also got snacks today, what do you fancy? I'm gonna have ice cream!'

Josh mumbles you while my heads in the freezer.

Y: 'What did you say you wanted?'

J: 'Oh, uh ice cream please'

Y: 'You said your favourite was salted caramel,'

I throw a tub of salted caramel ice cream at him and he jumps up to catch it. He ends up catching it but falls back in his chair, hitting his head on the wooden floor.

Y: 'Omg are you ok?! I didnt mean to throw it that high'

Josh sits up with his hand on the back of his head.

J: 'No it's fine, wasnt your fault'

Y: 'Do you want some ice for your head?'

J: 'No, I'll be fine, I'll get us spoons'

I nod and pick his chair back up. Josh hands me a spoon and we go into his room.

J: 'So what should we watch?'

Y: 'Whar about an action film? Really can't be bothered with romance right now'

Josh laughs and nods.

J: 'Same, have you watched Fast And The Furious?'

Y: 'Yeah, they are so good, what's your favourite one?'

J: 'Hobbs and Shaw, what about you?'

Y: 'Omg same!'

We both giggle. Josh puts it on and I see a mark on Josh's head through his hair.

Y: 'Stay still,'

I turn yourself to Josh and gently move his hair out the way.

Y: 'Does this hurt?'

I press down slightly on the mark.

J: 'Yes it does,'

Y: 'Ok one sec,'

I get up and go downstairs and get a mini bag of ice. I go back up to Josh and gently rest it against his head. He winces slightly at the coldness.

Y: 'Sorry! Is that better?'

J: 'Yeah, that was hella cold'

I giggle.

J: 'Not gonna offer to the hold the ice cause I like it when your touching my hair'

I giggle.

Y: 'Aw, dont worry I'll hold it'

While watching the movie, I gently lay my head onto of Josh's and smile. Josh then reaches his hands up and brings me down from resting on his head to his chest.

Y: 'Now I cant hold it against your bruise!'

Josh smiles and takes it from me. He puts it in his mini fridge and wraps his arms around me. I smile and watch his chest move up and down. At the end of the film, Josh moves his hand up and strokes your cheek gently and I close my eyes. He then pulls me up so I'm sat on his lap and I suddenly get self conscious of my weight on his legs.

J: 'Hey dont move, I might have stick ass legs but I can take your weight perfectly fine,'

I smile and the film becomes a distant memory. Josh starts to stroke my cheek again and we start to lean it to each other when the door knocks loudly...

Sorry I havent posted in a few days, I've been really busy, stay safe and enjoy xx

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