41. Not Just a Hug

Start from the beginning

Mew: then hug me...why did you took two days of leave I missed your food...this hug and you like hell

Nulf: aww...I miss you too....nulf come closer to Mew and hugged him....

They looked at the door when they heard a knock....

Mew and Nulf looked and get shocked....

Gulf: Did I disturb you love birds....

Mew: Baby...

Gulf: do hell with your baby....this is what you two do in the office ....

Did you two forget who you are....what you were doing ....?? And please don't lie coz I can see and understand what it all means....

Nulf: it's my mistake...I hugged him coz I missed him...I was on leave for two days and I didn't see him so...

Gulf: Nulf he is my husband what do you mean by you missed him....who gave you the right to touch him...why did you do that....

Nulf: I love him ...

Gulf: What??? What did you say....

Nulf: you heard it right....I love him the day I saw him...but when I found out he is your husband I put my emotion inside my heart ...but with time my love for P'Mew increased....

Gulf was shocked....Nulf, you are younger...you are mixing infatuation with love....He is my husband and he loves me....mew tell him na...gulf has tears in his eyes coz the two people he loved the most are giving him hard time....

Mew: Yes...I love Gulf....

Nulf: but you have feelings for me too right?? You will love that if I come and stay with you two again..

Gulf: What??

Mew: yes...

Gulf: what did you say....you want him to come back...why...

Mew: I am sorry baby you know if I say No it will be a lie....and I love you if this is true then I have a feeling for Nulf it is also true....I love it when he prepares food for me when he gives undivided attention to me when he listens to me and tried to understand my feelings when he shows his love openly when he is ready to fight his brother when he tries to claim me .... I am sorry baby...but I love all that....

Gulf step back he was so shocked after hearing everything ....he felt the floor slipped from his place...You don't deserve my love, Mew ...he gave a tight slap to Mew....I hate you...I hate you...we are over Mew suppasit...just get the fuck out of my life...

Mew: Baby Don't say that I love you and I can't live without you...

Gulf: he really shocked...he cried and left the room..he went home and cried like hell ...he thought Mew will follow him like always but he didn't....mew did I really lose you...

How can you do this to me ...how....Gulf took out his phone and sent a message I want to Divorce Mew...

Author's Note

Hello readers it's my birthday tomorrow I just wanted to share my happiness with you all and apologize for updating so late..I am just busy in here and there....and I get too tired sometimes I sleep in between writing ..so please accept my apologies for being so irresponsible....but I will try my best to update at least update regularly...


Nulf: Gulf I am sorry I never wanted this but...I love him and if you two broke then I will try my best to get P'Mew.... we two look alike but we are different in nature .. .. unlike you, I take care of him, I love him...I am ready to tell the whole world that he is my man ....and ready to fight the whole world for him...

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