A Tiring Mistake

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Request by: Flaming_SaiiboAce

Kiibo's POV

I was laying on my bed feeling woozy, suddenly there was a ring at my intercom, it was fuzzy and barely audible but i heard it. I got up and stumbled to the door, I swung it open lazily, and there stood Shuichi.

"Hey Kiibo"

i wasn't to focused on Shuichi, i just felt really drowzy.


"I said hi.."

"Oh, hey"

There was a brief moment of silence.

"So you wanna come in?"

"Hm? O-oh yeah sure.."

Shuichi stepped into my room and i locked the door, Shuichi sat on my bed.

I was really sleepy so i got onto my bed and placed my head on Shuichi's lap.

Shuichi's POV

I was sitting on Kiibo's bed, then i suddenly felt a weight on my legs. It was Kiibo, he was laying down on my lap.

"A-ah Kiibo, what are you-"

he cut me off.


He murmured very softly


"I like you..."

As soon as he said that, my face turned bright red.

"I-i uhmm..."

That was the last time he said anything, he laid there softly sleeping in my lap.

Few weeks later..

Shuichi's POV 

I'm still thinking about what Kiibo said to me a few weeks ago, he was sleepy so that usually happens with him. But it felt so genuine, I decided to bring it up with him.

"Hey Kiibo..."


"Do you remember what you said to me a few weeks ago"

"What did i say to you?"

"You don't remember?"

"Uh no, what did i say?"

"Y-you said you liked me..."

His face went a bright red.

"I-i did?!"


He just sat there grabbing his head muttering to himself.

"S-so is it true?"

he looked up at me and gained his composure, somewhat.


I slowly walked up to him, he tensed up when i got closer to him. I grabbed his waist, which made him jump. I leaned closer to his face, and i kissed him.

He didn't really react at all, but he did kiss back.

I broke the kiss and he jumped into my arms.

"I love you Shuichi..."

"I love you too.."


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