Snuggles {Non Despair AU}

410 13 10

Requested by: @LpsFnaflover636 

Shuichi was just sitting in his dorm on his phone texting his boyfriend, Kiibo,

Text Messages in Shuichi's POV:

Keebs: Hey Shu.?

Me: Yeah Keebs?

Keebs: Can I come over for the night?

Me: Yeah sure! When u coming?

Keebs: I'll be over in about 10 minutes

Me: Ok, Cya in a sec ily

Keebs: I love you too, see you in a second.

Shuichi's POV

Sooo Kiibo is coming over for the night!

guess i'll sit here and wait for him to come.

10 Minutes later

I hear a ringing sound echo through out my house

"Must be Kiibo"

I get up and answer the door and was greeted by my adorable boyfriend.

"Hey Shu!"

He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey! come in!"

I let go of him and we went inside.

"So what do you wanna do tonight?"

"I don't know maybe we could watch a movie?"

Kiibo's eyes lit up with excitement

"Ooooh Ooooh! can we watch Ratatoullie?"

I chuckle.

"Yes we can."

He's so cute, he's like child.

So i go to my TV and search up Ratatoullie on Netflix, it came up and once Kiibo came back with the cushions and blankets i put on the movie. It was really good, halfway through the movie, i could hear Kiibo's soft snoring as he snuggled up into my chest. I paused the movie and waited until i fell asleep, which was very hard considering i never sleep that often.

Kiibo kept shuffling around as he dug his face deeper into my chest. I smiled and stroked his hair, which woke him up.


He looked up and then got all flustered

"A-ah uhmm i am so sorry!"

He was flailing his arms all over the place, to calm him down i gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Its alright, now cmon its 12:30am lets go to bed"

after calming down Kiibo we both got into bed and fell asleep

Ok one request down just another to go

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