One Bed

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Sykkuno would be over any minute now and I was a nervous wreck. What if he thought my apartment was smelly? Or messy? Oh god, what if he thought I was gross or some shit? My thoughts were running at a million miles per minute. Doubt was creeping up on me. Why did I say yes to him? What if Sykkuno regrets rooming with me? What if he's disappointed in me? For some reason, Sykkuno's opinion on me weighed a lot. I couldn't bear to face him if he thought negatively of me.

A knock interrupted my internal panic. You already said yes to him. You can't go back on your word I told myself. My steps were hesitant as I approached the door handle. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my breathing. Acting crazy will not help Sykkuno be more comfortable around you my brain said. My hand twisted the door handle and I was completely unprepared for the sight that was to come.

Sykkuno was smiling so brightly at me that his eyes turned into little crescents. His smile was radiant, but that wasn't even the best part. Sykkuno was completely engulfed in an oversized white sweatshirt. His hands were sweater paws and the sweatshirt went all the way to his thighs. He looked so cute and innocent, standing there, bouncing up and down in anticipation, and tightly gripping the straps of his backpack with his sweater paws.

"Hey-y Sykkuno," I stuttered, still in awe of the angel in front of me.
"Hi Corpse! Ummm where should I put my stuff?" Sykkuno asked.

"You can put it on the couch. My room is still a bit messy so let me clean it up before you move in there," I said while Sykkuno set his backpack on the couch.
"Wait, Corpse. Did you say I was moving into YOUR room?" He asked. His eyes widened comically.
"Yeah. I figured you were going to stay in my room for the night and I can sleep on the couch," I responded nonchalantly.

"I can't do that, Corpse. You're already doing so much for me. It feels wrong to just take your room too. I'll just sleep on the couch, okay?" Sykkuno offered.
"No, Sykkuno. You're the guest so you can take the bed. I don't want you sleeping on the couch," I responded.
"But I basically forced you to make me your guest. I really don't want to burden your sleep by taking your bed, Corpse. Please just let me sleep on the couch," Sykkuno pleaded. I took a few steps towards Sykkuno and ruffled his hair.

"Sykkuno, you never forced anything on me. I want you to be my roommate. How about we compromise?" I asked.
"I'm okay with a compromise," Sykkuno agreed.
"So, I want you to sleep on the bed and you want me to sleep on my bed. So, how do we make a plan that agrees with both of our wants?" I asked.
"Hmmmmmm....I think I have an idea, but I need to know how big your bed is, Corpse," Sykkuno responded . I didn't really understand why Sykkuno was asking that, but I answered anyway.
"It's a queen sized bed."

"Oh perfect! I think I have a solution. You can just sleep with me!" Sykkuno exclaimed excitingly. WHAT?! I immediately started choking and sputtering. Did Sykkuno really just say what I thought he just said? I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
"Sykkuno... I don't know what to say. Your words are implying something dirty but I know you don't mean what I think you're saying." Sykkuno turned a dark shade of red.

"Dirty? Where did you get that idea from? All I said was that you can sleep with... me. Oh Jesus," Sykkuno stuttered, just realizing what his words were implying. He started laughing nervously and covering his mouth in embarrassment. I couldn't help but chuckle at his cute reaction. "That-t wasn't my-y intention when I said that. Uhhhhh.... I just meant that we could share a bed. Not the...other idea," he mumbled. A small smile played at my lips.

"It's okay, Sykkuno. I know what you meant. I just wanted to tease you a bit, " I said with a mischievous smile. Sykkuno only turned more red. "But I'm down for your idea," I replied nonchalantly. As if that sharing a bed with Sykkuno was completely normal and not giving me butterflies.

"Okay, cool. I promise I won't go and roll over to your side of the bed," Sykkuno determinedly said.
"I'll hold you to that," I responded.
While Sykkuno was busy unpacking, I quickly went into my room to try to make it look as presentable as possible.

I shoved all my dirty clothes into drawers, threw all my crumpled balls of paper in the trash, and made my bed. It wasn't the cleanest room in the world, but hopefully Sykkuno would like it.

"Hey Corpse?" Sykkuno shouted.
"Yeah?" I responded as I walked back into the living room.
"Could you show me where the bathroom is? I need to wash my face and brush my teeth before I go to bed. It's kind've a part of my routine," Sykkuno asked while twiddling with his fingers. He wasn't looking at me but was facing the ground instead. Was he still nervous around me?

"Yeah, sure. Just follow me," I said. We walked down the short hallway before I showed him to the first door on the left. "Here's the bathroom. There's some extra toothpaste in the cabinet if you need it," I informed him before leaving him to his own devices.

I walked back into my room and started opening the cabinets to find some more comfortable clothes. As I was rifling through the drawers, it dawned on me that I was actually going to be sharing a bed with Sykkuno. What if I make him uncomfortable? What if I snore? Why did I agree to share a bed with him so easily? I'm not usually so... confident, so why did I allow this to happen?
Was it because I WANTED to sleep in the same bed as him? Or is it because... I wanted to get closer to Sykkuno? I was beginning to get frustrated with myself and I didn't even notice Sykkuno walk into the room.

I chose my clothes and was about to take my shirt off when I heard an awkward cough. My head whipped behind me and I saw Sykkuno sitting on my bed. His cheeks were a rosy shade of red and he was covering his eyes with his sweater paws. It was amusing to see Sykkuno so flustered by the mere sight of me taking my shirt off. This boosted my ego and I couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on my face. 

"Sykkuno, you could've knocked," I mentioned casually.
"I'm so sorry, Corpse. I promise I didn't mean to walk in. I can ummm.... get out if you need privacy," Sykkuno stammered.
"You don't need to do that. You can just look the other way," I suggested. Even though Sykkuno's reactions boosted my confidence, I was still self conscious about the way I looked.

I quickly changed into a t-shirt and some sweatpants before turning around to face Sykkuno. He was still covering his eyes and looking absolutely adorable. I couldn't resist the urge to tip toe towards him and place my hands over his. Sykkuno startled at my touch but quickly relaxed once I moved his hands away from his eyes. 

"You didn't have to completely cover your eyes, Sykkuno," I teased. His face flushed crimson at my comment.
He stuttered out "I-I just wanted to give you your privacy." He looked up at me and he truly did want to make me comfortable. I knew that because his eyes were filled with sincerity.

Angels don't exist, angels don't exist, angels don't exist, I kept reminding myself. But every time I repeated that mantra, the less true it seemed. Angels must exist if Sykkuno is here with me.

Learning to Love (Corpse X Sykkuno)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora