The Best of the best

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Zach walks out of the college main building and saw the Lambda Chi boys waiting for him outside.

"Hey guys. More party I assumed" Zach jokes as Bryce approach Zach.

He didn't said anything yet but only gives signal towards Monty as he then took off the Lambda Chi Alpha's varsity jacket from Zach.

"Yo- yo guys? What was that for??" Zach scoffed with his brow furrows, almost joined together, getting defensive.

"No harsh feeling, Zachy." Bryce sneers looking at Zach whose still confused.

"We told you about being the best and we heard you are almost failing. Even got beaten by that kid, Alex. He got A for that class and that was just fucking embarrassing, Zach" He muttered mockingly.

"Hey g-guys, come on now" Zach tried to laugh it off.

"You know it's not much of a party without me" He adds, trying to find more excuses.

"I think we can handle parties without you. We have been doing that for years after all" Bryce answered crossed his arms together as he gets a bit annoyed now. The other boys starts to sigh as well.

"Zach, we told you about beating Alex first thing first when you are joining the Lambda." Scott, one of the Lambda Chi Alpha member starts to speak out. He was also there during the whole Zach, Alex and the chihuahua ordeal.

Scott Reed, Another Lambda Chi Alpha member. Always seen hanging around with Bryce and Monty. He have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with a very defined facial structure.

( Scott Reed, circa 2021)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

( Scott Reed, circa 2021)

Zach look at him frustrated, Scott have been nice to him compare to Monty but he guess if it was between Zach and Bryce, he clearly would pick Bryce.

"But-" Zach was about to protest once more.

"Zachy! Prove to us that you can be the best and we consider letting you join back" Bryce ended sternly before leaving as the other boys followed him. Scott looks back at him and mouthing a 'sorry' before he follows the other boys.

Zach stays standing there, speechless.

Alex come out from the main building entrance and passed by Zach as he glance at Zach for a second.

Alex didn't even said anything but Zach was agitated. He's furious and pissed. 'If it weren't for Alex, I would've still be in Lambda Chi Alpha' Zach thought. In his state it just felt right for him for him to blame the others, and in this case it's Alex.

"You fucked up my life Standall and I will fucked up with yours!"

𝘼 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧 《 ZACH DEMPSEY + ALEX STANDALL 》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora