Chapter 11 - Binded

Start from the beginning

Imagine them to look like this.

(The Black haired one is the Omega, and white/black streaks is the Alpha)

Doctor: "The thing is they share a kind of telepathic sense with each other, that's why it's taken so long to do the tests."

Akaashi: "What do you mean telepathic sense..?"

Doctor: "I mean that parts of their brain have merged when they were at an early fetus stage, parts of their speech part of their brain had merged and split, so they have the ability to... talk to each other... through their brain... it's like twin telepathy!.. Also the omega has a weaker scent, mainly caused from hiding there scent to much, but otherwise there perfectly Healthy"

Just then a nurse came from behind the curtain with the pups. Koutaro took the Omega and I took the alpha.

The nurse wheeled to Bassinets over to the bed so  I could be able to sleep

Nurse: "What would you like to name these special little ones?"

Akaashi: "Well... Kou? What should we name them?

Bokuto: "I think we should name the omega Kaito...And you should pick out the other one"

Akaashi: "Well... I think we should name the Alpha Kazan"

Nurse: "Well Already then! Those are both Wonderful names. I'll go fill out their certificates and I'll be back to do your check up."

I looked over at Bokuto and he seemed absolutely mesmerized by the pup. They stared at each other entranced by each other. It was absolutely adorable.

After a couple minutes when I rested up I allowed the others to come in.

Oikawa: "O. M. G They are SO CUTE"

Akaashi: "Heh I know right"

Kenma: "How was it?"

Bokuto: "Keji blacked out half way through but I can't blame him. I couldn't imagine giving birth to twins." He waved his hand sheepishly.

Kuroo: "Congrats Bro there adorable!"

Bokuto: "There's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Well besides Keji anyway!"

Bokuto: "Although back when that other doctor said that there would be some defects.. well .. I would really call it a 'Defect' but um.." He pounded his head in frustration.

Akaashi: "They can.. They have kind of like a twin telepathy"

Oikawa: "OoOO COOL!"

Bokuto: "Ok well I'm gonna head home to get your clothes and lead these guys out so you can get some rest Keji"
Akaashi: "O-oh thank you Kou"

                *** Bokuto's POV***

I led Them to the door and pulled oikawa to the side.

Bokuto: "So.. Uhm.. Oikawa-san, Keji Told me about ummm.. What you said about having pups,  I want to, in a couple, weeks.."

Oikawa: "Oh come on Bokuto spit it out"

Bokuto: "In a couple weeks or so I.. I want to propose to Keji.."


                                         *squealing intensives*

Bokuto: "And I wanted to plan something special for him and I need someone to watch the kids and since you said that you wanted pups with iwaizumi, you might want some... practice?" I saw oikawa anxiously awaiting me to finish, his eyes lighting up the longer  I went on.

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