Chapter 17

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The day dragged on in hues of brown and orange as the never ending sunset flitted across the expanse of cloud covered sky. It was a murky sunset, like the gods had poured muddied water over the atmosphere, trapping them in. The climate was suffocatingly warm and humid, not a day passed where Ahsoka didn't return to their ship covered in sweat and the thin droplets of moisture that seemed to cling to every surface.

It was the only planet they had been able to locate in a near star system; under the Empire's jurisdiction, but no soldiers had been placed yet besides the small surveillance offices in the major towns. Which wasn't many on the desolate planet.

Their plan had yet to connect with all points, but the basic structure was taking form. But as the days passed, being so cooped up was fraying on everybody's nerves. Especially the children.

They had gone in pairs with the younglings to the small outskirt village several several miles from where they had parked their ship. The buildings rolled in waves, over the undulating landscape, bleek and grey against the murky light. They were simple structures, no more than four walled boxes constructed in sheets of insulated metal.

The walls were designed to keep the heat out and trap the cool night air throughout the day in a pleasant atmosphere. It worked to a certain degree, but some days the temperature just kept rising higher and higher as the sun worked its way across the horizon before finally disappearing in a flash and casting them in frigid temperatures.

The entire planet was nothing more than rolling hills with the occasional outburst of a dead shrub peeking the thick grass. It was the grass that formed the moisture. As soon as the sun set, the grass would absorb the liquid, expanding to nearly three times its day-time size. When the sun rose, though, the droplets were released in thick suppressing clouds that blanketed the world in heat and muggy moisture.

Aedion and Ahsoka most commonly traveled -from the small rocky crag where their ship sat- with Kailorn, Cather, and Eara. Nadia and Drasf took Til and Arden; leaving Obi-Wan with River and Idor. It had worked out splendidly dividing the responsibilities of the younglings between the five of them. Since Aedion seemed to be the most popular to the seven, that left them with the third responsibility. It wasn't all that bad though. Ahsoka found she actually enjoyed keeping company with the waddling, smiling, old-souled toddlers.

None of the children had yet shown any remarkable abilities. Only a rock here, a crate there, the occasional bug. Soon, though, they would need to start a more serious training regime to teach discipline and the correct techniques. It would be difficult with just the five of them -four once Obi-Wan left for Tatooine- but if what Drasf and Nadia said was true about Ellix and Errix, then there was chance of success.

That picture seemed so far from where she stood. Obi-Wan leaving; being safe. No, not safe. They would never truly be safe until the Empire was destroyed, but, she supposed, the illusion of safety. Find Xeer I, establish a community, maybe lay down a life, forget about the Empire. It all seemed so nice in thought. But underneath the falsity, the side of her that cared, that respected others and fought through the Clone Wars, screamed for attention. She couldn't disappear off the map completely while so many lives were being damaged and taken. Her entire existence when training under the Jedi had been focused around the well being of others. Of standing up and fighting for those who had lost their voice. For those whose voice had been taken. Ahsoka knew she would join the rebellion eventually. There was no doubt in her mind. What Obi-Wan had said about Bail still made its regular circuit through her thoughts. For now, training and keeping the younglings safe was her topmost priority and that would not change until the Inquisitor had been taken care of.

Their plan was simple and would kill two birds with one stone. Drasf and Nadia had informed them more about the pirates who had captured them, and it sounded like if they could discreetly draw the Inquisitor's attention to there being more Jedi, then could then outnumber him seven-to-one. Although, the chances of Ellix and Errix being in good enough shape to fight was unlikely. And they only had four lightsabers between them, but Ahsoka was hesitant to relinquish her second unless the situation called for it. Aedion had already told Nadia he could use hers if it came to a duel. But the Clone Wars had shown her that Jedi were nothing more than well trained weapons. With or without a lightsaber.

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