Chapter 3: Striaton Showdown

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Your POV

I opened my eyes to see myself staring at the ceiling of the penthouse. I looked down to see Yurika sleeping peacefully, with a bit of drool coming from her mouth. I let out a low chuckle and I just gave her a gentle head-pat. 

Y/N: Always with the cutest faces, eh? Even when you're asleep.

I then gently sat up and I gently put my hand on the back of her head and I set her down on the couch to let her sleep as long as she likes. Me? I need to cook some breakfast for the girls. So finally decided to get up from the couch and go to the kitchen to cook breakfast. 

Y/N: Hmm. Guess they'd like a classic Porellan Breakfast. 

I then proceeded to head to my backpack and I grabbed all the materials in my pack, nd I also grabbed a few things in the fridge too, I set it all down at the counter and I washed all of the vegetables and all the other things I need to cook with, I put on an apron and I drank a full glass of water, and after that, I got to work, and I started cooking. 

May's POV

I open my eyes facing the ceiling of the room, I then sit up and I stretch my body and I let out a sigh. I looked through the window of the penthouse and saw that the sun has already risen. I then decided to get off the bed and then I saw Rosa, May and Misty waking up as well. 

Dawn: *sigh* Good Morning, girls! Did you all get a good night's sleep?

Misty: Heck yes I did.

Rosa: Me too! 

May: You sound excited, Dawn. Something on your mind? 

Dawn: Of course I do! We're gonna challenge the Striaton Gym today! There's no way I won't get excited! Oh, I wanna leave already and challenge the Gym! 

May: Okay hold on there, buster. It's still closed, we gotta wait for an hour, plus, breakfast, we still haven't got that. 

Misty: Right, where is that moron? Probably still asleep. 

May: Let me check.

I then proceeded to walk downstairs and I saw that his Gardevoir, Yurika, was still there, asleep. I then heard some racket at the kitchen and decided to go see and check it out. When I got there, I saw Y/N cooking some food in the kitchen for us. He saw me and he smiled sweetly.

Y/N: Ah, you're awake! Good. 

May: What is that smell, it's so good! 

Y/N: Are the others awake? I would love to see if they are. 

Rosa: Mornin' Y/N! 

Misty: 'Sup, asshole?

Dawn: Good morning, Y/N! Planning on taking on the Striaton Gym today?

Y/N: *smiles* You know I do, but breakfast comes first. Come, sit down, all of you.

All 4 of us sat down on the table that was near the kitchen where Y/N was cooking at. I turn my head to the right to see Y/N's Gardevoir, Yurika, finally waking up. 

Y/N: Morning, Yuri. You're just in time for breakfast. 

After he finished cooking, which took about a few minutes or so, he finally went to the dining table and he gave us the food. 5 servings of 3 dishes, how the heck did he even manage to cook this amount in such short amount period of time? He set down the first five dishes in front of us, and it was still hot and steamy. 

To Rule Them All (Pokemon Universe x Male reader) (18+, Harem)Where stories live. Discover now