xviii. overthinking

Start from the beginning

"After Olympus, Evelyn played the small reoccurring role of Emma Carstairs on Freeform's "Shadowhunters" during its last season. "I loved playing Emma because I thought she was such a cool character. She was badass and cool and loveable, but she had flaws and she wasn't perfect. She dressed the way she wanted to, put on make up when she felt like it.. she really gave me a lot of confidence going into this insane industry. And I love the cast with my whole heart, they're basically my second family and we talk every day." And now, Evelyn is working on her biggest endeavor yet: a movie series. Based off of Ally Carter's bestselling "Gallagher Girls" series of novels, Evelyn played the role of Cammie Morgan in the Netflix instant hit "Gallagher Girls" that was released last November, based off of the first book in the series entitled 'I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You.'

"Not only does Evelyn play the main character, but she is also the co-creator, producer, and gives insight on writing and directing. "When I first got connected with some Netflix execs, they asked if I had any ideas of something I'd like to pitch for optioning and it was kind of a no brainer. I mean, it's all about an all-girls middle/high school for spies. How cool is that? These books gave me so much confidence when I read them in middle school, and I really think that people are releasing some really good movies based around female empowerment for young girls so I wanted to join them."" Millie smiled as she heard Louis softly murmur "she's amazing" to himself.

"And now at 16, she is reprising all of her roles in the series while production is going on for the sequel film, 'Exceptional Young Women'. "Filming has definitely had some challenges.. the book was set up in a way so you aren't supposed to suspect anything until something is kind of the catalyst and triggers that "Ah!" moment, so we wanted to do the film in the same sort of way. But having the guys come in and working with them, it's a lot of fun. They all fit in right away, and especially Louis has become a really important person to me."" Millie began glancing back and forth from her computer to Louis to see his reaction. It seemed to her like he was holding his breath. 

""We spend a lot of time on and off set- I even drive him and from set and his hotel- so we've had a lot of opportunities to get to know each other and become really good friends. He's such an amazing person, and he just kind of.. gets me, you know? I'm so lucky to have him in my life."" Millie stopped reading and turned to her phone. 

"What are you thinking, Lou?" She asked him as he let out a breath that she had correctly guessed he had been holding in. "More like.. overthinking." Louis laughed. "What do you mean?" Millie asked. "Just- every interaction, every time we talked, every time she picked me up or dropped me off- I can't help but look for a hidden meaning in everything." He said, resting his head in his hands. "Lou, you really like her, don't you?" Millie asked, trying to contain her smile. She knew how much Louis meant to Evelyn, and how good he would be for her and to her. Louis made Evelyn super happy already just because they were friends. "I guess- I guess I do." Louis awkwardly laughs, then quickly says "Can we just- finish the article, please?" He was trying to hide his blush, so Millie laughed and obliged.

"But filming has had more challenges than what is to meet the eye. Last week, it was announced that after EYW, actor Asher Angel, who had played Josh in the first movie, will no longer be apart of the series, nor will he be employed by Netflix in the future after a "violent incident" with Evelyn.

""I met Asher at an Olympus press event, and instantly we became really good friends. We talked a lot, and I was super psyched to be able to work with him in Gallagher Girls because at that time I liked him as more than a friend. Then- radio silence. I found out that he was leading me on purposefully with no intention of following it through and I felt so- just broken. Betrayed. He found out that I knew and I was determined to not let him back in my life. Somehow I justified giving him another chance, but then I found out he had said some terrible, just nasty stuff about me and my illnesses behind my back."I just felt so- suffocated. I wanted to be his friend so badly but he was ripping me apart and didn't care."

""Luckily, I had some really good friends in my corner that helped me breathe a little. I really solidified my friendships with a lot of people then, and I cut him off completely. Louis, my Aid Sage, and I even made up a code word for when I felt uncomfortable on set because of him." 

Warning: the next part of the story details trauma and attempted assault. Please be cautious and proceed if you feel comfortable. "After- after my Q&A when I said we weren't friends, he approached me in the parking lot on set. He got really mad and thought that I was trying to- embarrass him? I told him that I said we were on good terms and I stood up for myself, and told him that I was done pretending to be his buddy. He tried to drag Louis into the situation but I put him in his place and I tried to run away but he grabbed my left wrist and he wouldn't let go."

Millie's voice got shallow reading her best friend's trauma. When Evelyn had told her, it hadn't been this detailed. She saw Louis go pale, and it seemed that tears threatened to escape from behind his eyelids. "The teen became emotional at the memory of her trauma, but when we offered to move on she said "no" and told us her story had to be told. "I kicked him and he fell for a little and I was running- I ran to Louis's trailer because he was the only one that I really truly trusted that was left on set. Asher gained on me, so I hit him with my Kanken and he fell and didn't get back up. I ran to Louis's trailer and he let me in and I just- broke down. So many feelings of guilt and shame and sadness and-" Evelyn shed a tear, "fear were controlling me. I didn't tell Louis the full story, I just told him that it was Asher and that I needed to tell Moira before I made my own statement." Evelyn composed herself quickly."

Millie noticed that both herself and Louis had a tear or two on their cheek, but she smiled as she read the next line. "Staying silent was never an option. "I'm probably the loudest one in the room on any given day, and I didn't want this to be any different. I've always been upfront with my followers about my issues. I've never sugar coated something or kept something a secret when I think it could be used to help others. This is me, this is my life, trauma and mental issues and all. I want these people who look up to me, who like my content, who are inspired because of me, to get the full picture. Nobody is perfect, especially not me. I'm just living my life and trying to make the most of it. What is the point of having the platform that I do if I can't use it for good?" Evelyn said as the interview ended.

"After our interview, a new sense of purpose has been put into our lives, to try and live fully and unapologetically, just like a certain 16 year old from a small town in Utah does every day."

Millie looked to Louis, a sappy grin on her face. Millie realized just how much she had missed by being separated from her best friend. Louis grinned right back at her before simply saying, "That girl is really something, huh?"

listen to ames partridge!


I just thought it was all important shit for character and plot related reasons, especially cuz it was louis-centric and so i wanted to make it a lil longer. (if u know what podcast that is referencing u get a cookie)

plus it gave me a sense of fulfillment for no reason at all.


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