"I guess we should stop here, Langa you'll need to take off that swimsuit vest," I tell the boy as Reki, Langa, Miya, and I walked over to the shade where our towels were out as we made Langa lay down.

Reki helped remove Langa's shirt and I could see his slim lean muscle making my face heat up. We grabbed a fan for each of us and started fanning Langa's body.

"Y/n you're so cold" Langa groaned out in pleasure as he laid his face on my lap, making my face heat up, his arms on the sides of my thighs, holding me in place as the other two boys glared at the pastel blue-haired male

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"Y/n you're so cold" Langa groaned out in pleasure as he laid his face on my lap, making my face heat up, his arms on the sides of my thighs, holding me in place as the other two boys glared at the pastel blue-haired male.

"My hands are getting tired" Miya pouted in annoyance as Reki sighed.

"Langa let Y/n go, are you sure you're not faking this?" Reki muttered with a small frown as he and Miya set their fans down for a moment.

"Well, Langa is pretty hot" As those words came out o my mouth the two boys gave me a deadpanned look as Langa only blushed more and not by the heat. "N-NOT like that! I MEAN that he feels pretty hot and I'm kind of cold if you touch me, I guess that's why he's holding onto me?..."

"Y/n if he gets to do that, then so can I, I'm feeling quite hot," Reki said so dramatically making me chuckle at his foolishness.

"Me too kitten, it's soo hot~" Miya said in sarcasm as he placed his hand on his forehead to be more dramatic.

"Can you guys keep it down.."Langa mumbled in my lap as he was slowly drifting to sleep. I brushed my fingers into his pastel blue silky hair as the two boys scowled at Langa.

"I don't know what's with you guys but I guess just take turns so it can be fair for all of you," I say since I noticed Miya was already going to throw some fit.

"Mmm, fine" Miya mumbled as Reki sighed in defeat.

Once Langa cooled down the others took turns laying on my lap as we watched the older adults have their fun. Cherry moved towards a different spot as he said he wanted to relax on his own.

When we had our lunch break, Reki wanted to mess around with Miya who was playing on his switch, very concentrated on it. The redhead grabbed a scoop of icecream and slipped it on Miya's sweater, making the poor boy freak out and drop his switch.

 The redhead grabbed a scoop of icecream and slipped it on Miya's sweater, making the poor boy freak out and drop his switch

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