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//Quackitys pov\\

It was the next morning.

Luckily, Jschlatt wasn't awake yet. I was looking for food in the fridge to make Jschlatt breakfast when there was a knock on the door. 

I slowly opened the door to find... Karl? 

"uh hello Karl"

Quackity blushed slightly at the sight. I never blushed before when I saw him. Why was I now? Probably something to do with me seeing him in person... Oh well.

"hey, Quack! So you talked to me yesterday about Jschlatt..."

Quackity shifted uncomfortably at the mention of it. Suddenly feeling his brain filled with every uneasy thought

"I did"

"well if that is true, would you like to come live with me and sap?"

Quackity thought for a moment. Jschlatt would be so mad if he ever found out. But... Would it be better? Karl was also getting nervous, he didn't want to be rejected. It was like when he was confessing to sappy but less intense in a way. A silence filled the air.

"I- uh yes!" was said by quackity after a while.

Karl was shocked by the answer and was immediately filled with happiness. A smile appeared on his face and he said,

"Well c'mon!" Karl said with an exaggerated tone.

"right now!?"

"Well, I- yes..?"

"I need my stuff!" Quackity laughed.

"oh well- I'm gonna wait outside." Karl rolled his eyes. Even though he was completely nervous.

Quackity ran into his shared room quickly but quietly. He grabbed his phone, phone charger, and a few pieces of clothing. Once everything was shoved in a backpack he quickly ran out. He walked outside while pulling his backpack on his shoulder.

"You ready?" Karl yelled


"You took forever!" Karl said while walking towards the car.

Quackity glared at Karl now being able to see the inside of the car.

"wheres Sapnap?"

"I- didn't tell him exactly." Karl half mumbled, Quackity was still able to understand and immediately got worried. 'Does Sapnap get mad easily?' 'Will he hurt one of us?' More questions formed in his brain. But the questions suddenly stopped when he checked the road to see if a car was coming. 

After seeing it was clear Quackity ran across the road following Karl. Karl sat in the driver's seat while quackity got in the back seat opposite of Karl.

"Why are you sitting in the back?" Karl said ending the silence. 

"I like it better."

Karl nodded with a confused look but quickly accepted as he started driving. Quackity started playing PvZ on his phone (not sponsored) when Karl said,

"what do you wanna eat?"

Quackity felt a pain in his side.

"nothing I ate before you got there"

"Do you still want something?"

"I- no! Quackity said more sternly than intended.

Karl felt himself get upset, hoping Quackity wasn't wanting to. The car was filled with a silence, but eventually, they arrived at the house.

Their house was white, with grey bricks on the bottom. Even though it was one floor it was a decent size. Karl walked towards the house quickly followed by Quackity.

'This will be interesting'



 shorter than I expected I kinda rushed it at the end but I wanted to post it in time.

My next one will probably be longer since the 3 days are on the weekend and I can stay up till 5 am -3-

sleep Is overrated


567 words

*-_=+Karlnapity+=_-* The InbetweensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora