Chapter two

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At seven A.M. the pathetic bear awoke me from my rest. It felt like the other days at the school, as normal as things could get. Until I remembered.

The body. The knife in Sayaka's stomach. The crap. I gasped in horror as I recalled what had happened during the early morning hours that day. That fool! He must be blabbering to everyone about what I did, and blaming the murder on me. Trying to act natural as I stepped out of my dorm, I quickly walked to the dinning hall, hoping that I wouldn't seem suspicious if I arrived there early. Luckily, he hadn't said anything. Good thing he didn't, for him obviously, or else I would have proven him guilty in an instant. Everyone other than Sayaka appeared to be alive.

There were my annoying commoner classmates, all except for Makoto, who eventually showed up looking on edge.

"Where is Sayaka?" He asked, looking distraught.

"She never came down." The ultimate swimmer said, in her pathetic little red jacket. Makoto's face turned pale. He ran back (and ran very slowly I might add) to his room. Twenty minutes late, we were investigating the corpse, and Leon and I were trying our hardest to not make eye contact. Thankfully Makoto looked guilty, and I didn't have to worry about my incident being revealed.

"Sick. Who would crap on someone's dead body?" The super high school level fortune teller mumbled.

"Defecating on dead bodies is not appropriate in a school environment." The ultimate hall monitor declared.

"Whoever did create the feieces was sick. As in clearly physically unwell. It is a mass amount of severe diarrhea, indicating that whoever defecated on the corpse had severe digestive problems." The ultimate detective, Kyoko Kirigiri mumbled, getting much closer to the corpse than anyone should be comfortable with. After a stressful few hours of hoping that no one would notice it was me who crapped on the body, Makoto still looked guilty. After all, she was murdered in his room. There was no way I was going to inform my fellow classmates that it was actually Leon who committed the crime, as I feared that he would instantly tell everyone I was the one who crapped on the body, and that would be my worst nightmare. So I kept my head down, and accused Makoto along with everyone else. Then after the investigation concluded, we headed down in a cheap elevator to the class trial. Apparently we were all supposed to argue, then vote on who we thought the murder was. The bear informed us that if we voted correctly, the murder would be punished, but if we voted wrong, the rest of us would be punished. By punishment, he meant execution. So we started debating. The short one loved to interrupt people mid sentence, by shouting, "That's wrong!" Or "I see!" Or "I agree with that!" He seemed to actually enjoy himself once the smart one, Kirigiri proved he was innocent. Commoners. After much debating, Leon slipped, and threw Makoto a rope to the truth. Sure enough, they were able to prove it was him.

"You're sick. You killed her, then crapped on her corpse?" The stupid and big boned one, Hifumi, scolded.

"I never crapped on her body. It was-" Leon started.

"It's voting time!" Monokuma interrupted. Sure enough, everyone voted for Leon. I stood, flushing, and praying that he wouldn't say anything.

"I'm not a killer! She was trying to kill me! Any of you would have done the same thing in my situation!" Leon cried,"I'm not the sick one!"

"Let's give it everything we've got!"


"It's punishment time!" Monokuma declared.

"No!" Leon screamed. Then a bunch of weird music played, and we all stood around and watched as he was hit with baseballs until he died. A brutal execution, but I was glad that my secret wasn't revealed. For now.


We were given a new section of the school. Finally, a library. As I was trying to read, though, a smelly girl named Toko watched me in the doorway, spit running down her mouth. Then the annoying short one showed up, after I told her to shower. I had a wonderful night of beauty sleep, when I woke up the next morning to discover that there was another pep rally. I knew this couldn't be good. sure enough, the bear had a new motivation. Secrets. Each of us was given a slip of paper with a secret of ours that was apparently worth killing for. I knew what was on that slip of paper before I actually looked at it. There were little, terrifying words printed on the piece of paper.

Byakuya Togami crapped on Sayaka's body. 

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