"They're just glowing dots in the sky." Harukawa said.

"I can't believe you could even say that!" he had an offended expression. "Well whatever, once you see it at the planetarium, you'll be amazed!"

Harukawa sighed. "I can't believe I even agreed.. I feel like a kid going on a field trip. You actually like going there, Momota?"

"Of course, nothing is manlier than appreciating the stars." he said with a grin. 

"What about you, Saihara? Are you going?" Akamatsu asked me in a tone as if she was begging me to come. 


"Yea, of course. Let me text my uncle first.." 

"Yay!" she exclaimed and then covered her mouth. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to sound that excited."

Mr. Harada walked in and yawned. "Alright class. Turns out, I actually do have to teach. Ms. Yukizome got pretty mad at me for not doing anything." he said with an annoyed tone.

"Please, take a seat and look up here. Hopes Peak Academy has changed some things up this year." 

The rest of class was boring, he just gave us the basics of what he'll do. Hopes Peak Academy is a weird school, one teacher teaches us all the subject and then there's a time where we'll go somewhere based on our talents to improve improve them. Apparently they implemented this after a certain teacher complained about not appreciating high school relationships.. I don't know why he didn't introduce this to us the first day. 

During break, Akamatsu hung out with Iruma, Shirogane, and Harukawa and I hung out with Oma, Keebo, and Momota. She wanted to get to know others better and she told me we would hang out later. It's not like she's my mom..

"Jeez, Momota! You didn't invite me to hang out later but you invited emo boy!" Oma complained.

"Emo boy?" I said amused.

"Oi! Call my sidekick his real name. And, I don't really want to invite you." he said, stuffing himself with some potato chips.

"Yes, Oma. I don't know why Momota would invite you anyways after what you did to Harukawa." Keebo said.

"Well, you're just a robot that doesn't understand human emotions so I didn't expect you to know why." Oma said in a smug tone.

"You are lucky I am afraid of your organization, otherwise I would have reported you to the authorities for your robophobia by now!"

"Wow, your creator even programmed you to be afraid, Kee-boy! That's such a useless emotion, I wonder why he gave it to you." Oma laughed.

Hearing these 2 argue made my head hurt. I looked over at Akamatsu's group and she seemed to be having a relaxed time unlike me. I smiled as I looked at her laugh..

"Oi, Shuichi. Stop looking at your girlfriend during boy hours!" Momota said and slapped my back. 

"I-I already said she's just my friend, Momota!" I said with a stutter, a bit embarrassed that I got caught looking.

"Yea Momota! Why would anybody date emo boy in the first place? Well, I guess being emo is better than being an idiot!" Oma added. That comment hurt.

"You're a real pain in the ass, Kokichi.." Momota scoffed and scratched the back of his head.

"Thanks, I do my best!"


After break, we headed to our own talent development room. Everyone had their own separate rooms. There was a whole new building they added! 

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