Day 10 ~ 12

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Day 10

"Oh come on man, I will win this stupid game!" I tried my best not to laugh at the frustrated man in front of me, he was not a good loser at all and this was his second game. I had found an old chess board abandoned in one of the rooms while I had been exploring, and after finding someone who knew how to play willing to I ended up here. A few people had been watching and now my opponent kept changing as I was undefeated. There was a bit of a commotion as someone came forward claiming it was his turn, however my current opponent did not want to relinquish his seat. I was just about to step in when a voice did the job for me, stopping everyone in their spots to turn to the doorway. "Stop your bickering you idiots" I swallowed as the intimidating red head strolled closer locking his eyes on me. "I will be the next challenger" The man who had been sitting opposite me scrambled from the seat leaving it open for my new challenger to take residence in it. Setting the pieces up the game started easily enough, but it was quickly apparent he knew how to play better than the others I had gone up against. "You know you could concede defeat" I snapped my eyes up my stubborn streak starting to show as I felt myself pout.

 "I don't give up that easy" His eyes lit up with something that unsettled my stomach as he looked at his queen, slowly moving it as his eyes moved to lock on me. "Neither do I Jenny. In fact I am known to do whatever it takes to win what I want" Swallowing I turned to the board moving a piece quickly, not paying that much attention to where he had actually just moved his piece to. "A bit of a sore loser then?" There was a low chuckled before he moved his knight "I wouldn't know" Frowning I moved a bishop taking one of his pieces that I though was getting too close. "Because you cheat" I meant it more as a statement than a question, but the uncertainty in my voice made it sound that way even to me. Almost painfully slow he moved his queen again, his eyes striking me with a burning look. "Its only cheating if you get caught Jenny remember that" Standing he pushed his chair back flicking his hand at the board as he began walking away. "Checkmate" Looking down I realised he was right, he had bordering in my king without me even realising. Suddenly I had the feeling it wasn't just the chess game I had been bordered in on.

Day 11

I woke up to a hand shaking me hard. Jolting up and scooting away my mind instantly taking me back to one of Mark's bad nights, my eyes struggled to confirm what my mind was telling me. What I found however was a worried looking red head, blue eyes softening as he took in my sudden fear. Despite my clear fear he slowly made his way closer to me on the bed, slowing but not stopping when I flinched to move my damp hair from my face. I had showered before bed and clearly my nightmare hadn't helped it dry in anyway. I should have used the hair dryer but I was tired and had a head ache so I left it wet and loose to dry naturally. "Take it easy Jenny your safe – he isn't here. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you" Somewhere in my head I knew he wasn't the right person to show this side of me, he was dangerous and I shouldn't take comfort from him. But slowly I felt myself melt into him as he came closer, curling into his larger body calming as his warmth embraced me. "Tell me about it" I knew what he was talking about, he wanted me to talk about my nightmare. I normally didn't have them often, only when I was under a lot of stress or left alone for a long time. Curling my face into his chest noticing I was touching bare skin, I distracted myself from the question taking in his appearance. He was in lounge trousers and a open shirt, it was like he had been changing and rushed here without finishing.

 "Jenny?" His voice was so gentle. I felt myself give in to the inner battle choosing to trust him unconditionally this once. "It was the first time I found out... he-he was so angry." An arm pull the covers over my before sitting on my hip drawing small patterns, the other stroked over my damb hair seeming to brush out the small knots. I felt somehow lighter after saying it, I wasn't sure if he understood what I was saying but I did. My nightmare was distorted but it was a memory all the same. The first time I had found out Mark had been unfaithful, it had hurt so much but then he turned it on me. Even though he hurt me inside and out that night it only made me realise I was right, I wouldn't give Mark the last part of me I had saved. "He won't hurt you anymore, I'll kill him if I have to" The dark words should have made me sick, they unsettled me but the way he said it made it almost sweet. In my tired state I didn't say anything just curling closer letting him hold me. "Go back to sleep Jenny" Too tired to fight even if I wanted to I closed my eyes already feeling sleep pull at my mind. "Thank you..." There was a light pressure on my temple I could have sworn was a kiss. "Daniel, my name is Daniel"

Day 12

Even though I had gotten used to waking up with someone nearby since coming here, waking up on a hot chest was new. Blinking my eyes open I slowly found a sleeping red head holding me to his chest. What surprised me most was how right it felt, to be held so gently this close to him was something I had almost forgotten. I had felt it once but it had been short lived, and even then as I compared the two men I shared these moments with I found one falling short. Mark always made sure there was room between us, preferring to either have my back to him or have a gap between us. The man before me – Daniel – I remembered from the night before; held me like I was another part of him tucking me in to mould into his chest. My head was even resting on his arm like a pillow. My head began to hurt as I continued to try and fight over what I was feeling and what I knew I should feel. The fight was cut short as something warm pressed into my hair, looking up I found amused and warm blue eyes watching me through half lids. "You know if you think that hard so early you will give yourself wrinkles" In an instant the conflict in my head was forgotten, momentary outrage taking over as I huffed turning to roll away. "Most people start with good morning you know" Just as I was about to sit up I felt myself being pulled down, and despite myself I squeaked like a school girl as I fell back into the strong arms of the man behind me.

 Blushing madly as my hands rested on bare skin, I jolted my eyes up as a kiss was placed to my forehead. "I'm not most people Jenny, don't forget that" Slowly almost as if he was reluctant to get up he got out of the bed, but made sure the covers stayed over me. "Go back to sleep, its too early for your to get up just yet" As much as I wanted to argue the bed was still warm from where he had been sleeping, and I couldn't bring myself to leave it just yet. It didn't stop me muttering a irritable "Fine" under my breath though. I heard a chuckle from my possession under the covers but chose to ignore it. Curling into the pillow that was warmest I breathed in deeply getting comfortable, noticing the smell of something masculine that I couldn't name but I linked instantly to him. The smile grew before I could stop it but I didn't care, I wasn't tired or have a massive headache like after most of my nightmares and I had a comfortable warm nice smelling bed to hide away in. If it was right or wrong of me I was going to stay here in this bed, and linger in the warmth the Shadow Man left behind. Right now he wasn't a villain, he was the just a man who was beginning to be something more to me. Whatever that was I would analyze later, for now better thoughts were waiting for me. 

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