Day 4 ~ 6

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Day 4

"There. That's all I can do, but you should really go see a doctor it might be broken" The man I have given a sling shook his head slightly as I frowned at him. "Don't worry we have a doc who visits if we need em, he's coming tomorrow so I'll ask him to take a look" I sighed as he walked out not sure what to make of these people, some of them hardly flinched when the group of six came in to see me. The small office I was put in to 'work' in when injured came back had supplies but I wasn't qualified to use most of it, thankfully other than some cuts bruises and a possible broken arm they hadn't been too hurt. This morning I had tutored a small group with math, one of the men needed some english too since he spoke another language and was new to english. They all seemed gruff but once they spent some time and got used to me, most of them were nice enough. I had had a visit from the Shadow Man again too this morning, he personally showed me around the house and garden. There were some places pointed out I couldn't go, but for the most part I had free reign. At first I wasn't sure what to when he left, once again thinking over my situation. My guard Tom was close by but gave me space to sit alone and think, how he knew I needed it I didn't know. By now Mark should be looked for me, with his rank it most likely got pushed up as an important case.

 Hopefully the news hadn't got involved, even though I hadn't been told not to watch television here I avoided it in case now. My feelings were all so muddled and by the time I got sick of juggling them I had stormed inside leaving poor Tom to follow behind me. Huffing I stood up packing away everything I had used, there was no point in leaving a mess when I was more than capable of tidying up after myself. By the time I was done I was hungry and a thought struck me. Maybe I should see if they want help cooking, I now knew everyone here ate one meal together even if it was in different rooms. That must take a lot of hands to sort out, the worst that would happen was they said no. Getting to the kitchen I found three men having a shouting match, it seemed no one wanted to be head cook. "Um excuse me? I can help if that's alright" Three sets of eyes landed on me hearing my offer, and I would swear on my life I saw each one of them almost cry in happiness. Seeing what ingredients were available I quickly chose an easy mild curry, helping the men make three pots so there was a different spice level in each. Most men liked hot food but some had milder taste buds like me so it worked out well. I didn't realised until were cleaning up and dishing out plates I had been laughing and joking with everyone. It was the most fun I had, had cooking in a long time.

Day 5

I was starting to regret suggesting pancakes for breakfast. I had decided to help out with cooking unless I had other 'work' to do, and apparently there had been a lot of complements for my additions to dinner last night. Now however as I turned out pancake five hundred – maybe – I was regretting my suggestion, they were going down too well and everyone was asking for more. Being me I felt guilty saying no even if I hadn't even eaten yet. "What the fuck is going on in here?!" The bellow made me jump almost flipped the pancakes I had cooking off the pan. Turning I found a fuming red head glaring at me, before turning a look of murderous rage at the men who were stacking places to go out. "B-boss, we were jus-" The man didn't get to finish as he grabbed and held against the wall by his collar. "Just nothing, she is not your bitch to work away! Did any of your moron's think to take over cooking to let HER eat? Huh?!" The other men seemed to shrink their fear turning to guilt, while the man against the wall suddenly seemed to understand why he was in trouble. Despite recognising he was angry on my behalf I still wanted to defend the man under the in the Shadow Man's hold, he was in trouble because of me. Rushing forward I gripped the arm holding up the other man to the wall, the action instantly earning me a burning pair of blue eyes focus.

 "I'm sorry it was my fault, please don't hurt him!" He made no move to let the now wide eyed man go, if anything his hold seemed to tighten. "Your fault" The quiet question sent a chill down my back, I went to agree but was cut off. "So I hired you to cook for everyone who works for me?" Slowly I shook my head. "And I suppose its alright to see someone exhausting themselves, and ignore it because its easier than doing the work yourself?" This time I knew what he was doing and tried to stammer an answer, but found myself unable to manage anything but a quiet no. My hand was shrugged off his arm as he all but threw the man to the floor, a foot descending on his throat making him choke. On instinct I went to try and defend the man again but one of the others came to hold me back, silently shaking his head before turning with me to watch the Shadow Man lean down to snarl at the choking man. "You are lucky she is so bloody forgiving. If I even think any of you fuckers are letting her do all the work again, I will personally see to it you actually CAN'T cook ever again!" Moments later he was gone leaving a coughing man on the floor, and the smell of burning batter filling the air. It was the first glance at how danger this man was, it was terrifying to see the calm man shift to something so dark... but then something about it was almost familiar. Memories of Mark flashed into my head, and suddenly the two men didn't seem so different.

Day 6

Apparently there was a big job on today, that was why so many of the people normally around the house were gone. I spent most of the day working with some of the older teens, the men in the kitchen limiting my time working with them today. I understood why but it was still frustrating. By the time it was time for bed, I could not even get to sleep feeling worried over the men who were normally around. Most of all the Shadow Man lingered most of all, despite my thoughts still being unsure around him I worried. When I heard the sound of cars and shouts I abandoned any thoughts of sleep, not even caring I was only in a tank top and shorts as I headed downstairs. When I got downstairs the rooms were in ciaos. Tom and another man spotted me and came to try and turn me around to go back upstairs, Tom in particular seeming almost panicked I saw the people returning. "You can't be down here Miss Jenny – go back to bed everything will calm down once the doctor sorts everyone out" I felt my hands hit my hips making the young man seem to shrink back, while the older man at his side choked back a chuckle seeming to give up. "Tom I am not going back to bed when I can help" Gulping he went to talk again but a middle aged man behind him beat him to it, the man waving in my direction as if to call me down.

 "Tom get out of the way and let her down here! God you can be thick boy, I have too many men to see to and only two fecking hands to do it. Come on Girl you can bandage em up once I am done checking everything over" I fought back a smirk passing Tom heading down to the scene below. Men around me were groaning and bloody, some worse off than others but most having only small injuries. After an hour or so I was called over by doctor Ryan again, he handed me more bandages and nodded towards the hall where an office was. I had been told not to go there before but clearly now was an acceptation. "I checked him over but the stubborn bastard won't let me wrap him up, he asked for you to do it" Heading down to the large doors I knocked only to get a bark of come in through the wood. Inside the red head who was usually so calm lay on a large sofa face pinched in pain. I said nothing coming to his side instantly seeing where he needed the bandages put, and he let me moving when needed until he wounds were covered. I stood to go thinking he would want to be alone but found a hand on my wrist. "Stay" I didn't understand but felt myself smile all the same. Kneeling at the side of the sofa I watched him fall asleep, finding myself resting my cheek against his arm to rest my eyes slowly feeling sleep pull me down. The almost blissful feeling I had missed for so long of having someone sleep at my side warming be despite slight chill in the air. 

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