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Freddy: I wonder why the ghosts won't talk to us.

Golden: Maybe they're homophobic.

Freddy: We're not gay, Golden.

Shadow Freddy randomly materializing: We're not?


Toy Freddy: I like listening to the rain. It's peaceful.

Shadow Freddy: And it'll clean up murder!

Shadow Bonnie: You wouldn't need the rain to clean it up if you used an icicle as a weapon.

Toy Freddy: What is wrong with both of you?


Foxy: You're going to hate yourself tomorrow if you stay up again.

Jeremy: Jokes on you, I'm going to hate myself no matter what.


Golden: Do you consider me as a friend?

Fritz: Yeah! What else would I consider you?

Golden: I don't know. An embarrassment? A way to rebel against your parents? A desperate cry for help? The list is endless.


Freddy: Repeat after me; I..

Golden: I..

Freddy: Will find a healthy coping method..

Golden: Will continue to bottle up my feelings..

Freddy: Motherfucker-


Rockstar Freddy: What's your biggest fear?

Lefty: I have arachnophobia.

Molten: You don't want spiders to get married..?


Lefty: Please explain why I came back to all the tables being rearranged and the bathroom being on fire.

Molten: You are like...83% of my impulse control.


Withered Foxy: If you listen closely to dishwashers, you can hear the slurping of hundreds of tongues inside, cleaning off the dishes.

Withered Chica: I'm not a violent person, but I'm about to be.


Mike: What's wrong?

Springtrap: Everywhere I go I can still hear them..

The dead kids: *angry muttering*


Fritz: What are you doing here? I told you to leave an hour ago.

Shadow Bonnie: I don't play hard to get. I play hard to get rid of.


Rockstar Freddy: You don't look great. Have you been drinking?

Henry: Not even alcohol can end my sorrow.

Rockstar Bonnie: Well obviously you're not drinking enough. Helpy, go get the vodka!

Rockstar Freddy: NO!


Golden: If anything happened to you, I'd burn this place to the ground. Even if it's something small.

Freddy: See this is why I hide all of my injuries from you.

Bonnie: Freddy, is your leg doing okay? You hit it pretty hard earlier.

Freddy: SHH-

Golden: *lighting a match* You what.

Freddy: GOLDEN NO-

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