He looks really adorable like this, on my lap, a blush on his face, his eyes big from need, and his sweatpants a little too tight from arousal. 

''You look really fucking hot like this Katsuki'' I whisper out as I move my hands down his torso. He grabs them and lays them down on my chest whilst giving me a look. 

'''What's up baby?'' I ask him. He lets out a groan as he throws his head back. ''It's just, you're really attractive and I want to go slow and everything but every time we like, start kissing I get so so excited.''

He climbs off my lap, getting me a hoodie to put on, ''And then I'm like I want Kiri right fucking now but now I- I feel bad because I don't want to make you feel like I only want you for that you know.''

I look at Bakugou with the biggest adoration as I walk over to him and embrace him in a hug. ''Katsuki, baby, sweetie, absolute treasure of mine, I feel the same way about you I'm just too shy to climb on top of you and make the first move most of the time.''

I pull back from the hug and grab his face with my hands, giving him a big, long, kiss. ''Don't feel bad okay, I'm totally capable of saying no if I don't want something, but I don't mind, at all.'' I softly pat his hair as I talk to him.

''You really are so attractive to me too, and god what you feel, I feel too. I think you can feel that whenever you're on top of me, I'm just a little shy when it comes to that. Don't worry about it okay, it's all really really okay, and also really attractive.'' I reassure him.

He smiles at me before giving me a kiss. ''You're amazing Eijirou'' 

I shake my head, ''No no, you are Katsuki'' he raises his brow at me and then whips out his phone, ''Thank you baby, now shall we escort ourselves to Kaminari's room?''

I laugh at his polite use of language and nod, ''yes, let's go.'' I grab my phone from my desk and we walk out of my room.

When we enter Denki's room we're greeted by Mina, Sero, Shinso (?) and Denki himself. They're all sitting around Denki's bed, which is about the same height as the floor. 

On the bed lay all the snacks and the bottles of vodka. Bakugou and I settle on the bed itself and make a little small talk while Kaminari puts on some music.

''So...'' Sero starts, getting two joints out of his pocket, ''They're pretty strong joints so I suggest we just share one and then see how we're feeling.'' He looks around the group and I swallow while nodding. 

I don't why but I feel a little nervous, I never did this before. 

Sero gets out a lighter and lights up the joint, inhaling first. He does it effortlessly. After taking a few hits he passes the joint to Mina, who does the same. 

It looks like they've done this before. 

Mina passes it to Denki, who nearly chokes on the smoke, which makes Shinso laugh. Wow, I have never seen that man laugh before. After Denki is breathing normally again he passes it to Shinso, who leans back and also takes an effortless hit. 

Now the moment is there, Shinso passes the joint to Bakugou, who takes it without hesitation. I can see he's a little nervous but he takes a deep breath and takes a hit.

and oh my god. That does something to me

He gives me a wink as he offers me the joint. ''Your turn Kiri-baby'' I blush and look around the room, but they didn't catch it. I take the joint and take a hit, without doubting, because that's manly. 

I inhale the smoke and slowly blow it out again, keeping eye-contact with Bakugou the whole time, making the tension between us even bigger. 

After I take another hit I give the joint back to Sero, who takes another few hits before passing it to Mina.

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