I made a "Tch'' sound and walk over to my bed, sitting down on it, ''What did Pikachu have to say?'' I asks him. He laughs as he hands me my pizza and sits down with his pizza in his hands on my chair.

''He was mad at us because he bought the pizza's for him and Shinso'' I laugh, this dude already has his and Shinso's wedding planned.

Even though I'd never admit it, I look up to Denki in some way. He's so open and could care less about what the world thinks. He does what he wants and likes who he likes without being ashamed of it.

''alright then'' I answer Kiri. I take a bite of my pizza and we eat in silence. It's nice.

''So, what movie did you pick?'' he asks me while he takes bite of his last slice. Damn this man eats fast. ''it's kind of a classic, one of my favorites. It's called Friday the 13th, you'll like it, it's not all too scary.''

His frown turns into a smile as he answers me he's excited, I smile back as I eat some more.

Ten minutes later we're done eating our pizza's and we settle down on my bed. I let Kirishima settle first, and I put the blanket over him as I get my laptop, turn off the lights and sit down next to him.

He moves the blanket over me and I start the movie. ''It'll be fun Kiri, it's not all too scary like I said, I promise.'' I whisper to him as I put the volume a little louder. He nods as he focuses on the movie.

I smile as I study his face. I've seen this movie 10 times already so I can afford it to not pay attention. I see the lights chance on his face as the movie plays. His expressions are relaxed, and for now, he's calm. His mouth is shut and his lips looks plump and pretty.

I want to kiss him.

''Baku, pay attention'' he whispers as he bumps his head against mine while still looking at the movie, I blush and chance my gaze from him to the movie. He smiles and leans towards me a little.

Throughout the movie we move closer to each other and lay down more and more. My back hurts like hell laying like this, I'm half sitting half laying, but with Kiri on my chest the pain is worth it.

I study him as the scary moment is coming closer and closer. You can feel the scene tense. I stare at him while he knits his brows together, and closes his eyes a little, moving his hands towards his face, to hide behind if it get's too scary.

He looks adorable.

The scary scene is over and I can see him untense again. His brows go back to normal again, and his eyes relax. He looks back up and looks at me, grinning, ''That wasn't scary'' he mumbles as I laugh.

''Sure, you weren't scared either now were you.'' Kirishima shakes his head. "No, of course I wasn't.'' I smile as I brush away some of his hair out of his face. We stare at each other for a little bit and I feel my face get red.

'' Watch the fucking movie before I fucking kiss you'' I command him and he blushes as he turn his head back. ''I wouldn't mind'' I hear him mumble, just so slightly.

''What did you say?'' I ask him. He turns back to look at me, ''Nothing!'' he answers me quickly, I grin as I make a ''Tch'' sound. ''the movie Kiri'' I then say, moving my head towards the screen.

''You're the one distracting me!'' He yells out. I laugh and grab the laptop, taking it out of my lap and laying it on the floor. ''Hey! I was watching.'' he looks at me and makes a pouty face.

''In the end they throw his body in the lake yet the police can't find it corpse.'' I tell him while pushing him off my chest and sitting up. He makes an even sadder face, ''But Bakugou, I wanted to finish it.''

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