Seriously, what happened to me? I threw the covers off of me again, and was about to get up but didn't. It was like I couldn't. Katherine said not to. Soon, Katherine came back with a large cup. When she came closer, I saw it was tomato soup. My favorite. I started to act like a little kid, by reaching out trying to grab the cup.

Katherine chuckled, "Let me get it to you, Faith." Once she reached me, I quickly grabbed the cup and began to slip it. "Your lucky, that's Mrs. Flowers' last tomato soup."

I ignored her and continued to drink my tomato soup. Until I felt really sick. I put down the cup, and brought my hand up my mouth. I felt like I was about to throw up my whole stomach, because how sick I felt.

My mother looked at me confused, "Faith are you okay? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" I quickly nodded and got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I quickly went over to the toilet and soon I threw up, but not vomit. It was blood.

Katherine quickly grabbed my hair held it back, while I continued to throw up blood. Soon she notice what it was. "Oh. My. God." Was all I heard over the sound of me puking. Soon, I finally stopped. I dropped down to the floor and grabbed my stomach. It hurt so much.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" I cried.

She sighed and grabbed my hand, "I think your rejecting my blood. I put some in your soup."

A tear went down my cheek, "It hurts, Mom. It really hurts." I whispered.

Katherine put her arms under me, and picked me up. I groaned when she touched me. She moved me back into the bedroom and placed me in the bed. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." She told me and started to leave but I grabbed her arm.

She looked at me confused, and I cleared my throat. "What if I throw up again? Please don't leave me."

"Faith, I need to get a doctor. Something might not be right with you." She answered.

"Please, Mom, don't. I'm scared, especially after everything with Damon and Elena." I cried.

My mother placed her hand on my cheek, "I'll only be gone a minute, then I'll be right back. I promise, nothing will happen to you."

"Hurry, please." I begged her.

She nodded and then she was gone. Then I felt it again, pain in my stomach. It came up too fast before I could stop. Some of it landed on the cover. I placed my hand over my mouth, and quickly got up again from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I bent over at the toilet and threw up again. Except this time to was actually vomit, and even if this sounds gross, but I was glad it was vomit. Once it was over again, I fell to the floor again. I pushed myself against the wall and just stayed there.


About an hour later, Katherine still wasn't back. Supposedly one minute turn into a hour in her world. In case if you were wondering, I did throw up again. Another three goddamn times. When I think there's no more in my stomach, more just comes out. Except now it was black, but I couldn't remember eating anything black.

Just then I heard my door open, "Faith? Where are you?" I heard my mother call out.

"In here." I called back, but it came out like a whisper, but she heard me because soon she was in the bathroom.

Her eyes widen at the look at me, "Oh sweetheart." Did I forget to mention that I threw up on myself? Well, I did. I tried to reach the toilet but I hurt my arm. Next thing I knew, my vomit was covering me. Katherine came over to me and picked me up. I winched in pain as she touched me. My mother notice my pain, "Does it still hurt?"

Life as a PierceWhere stories live. Discover now