Deciding to get an idea of what she was getting into, Aphrodite looked towards the couple. The man had black hair, unkempt in a sexy, mussed-up kind of way, and wire-rimmed glasses framing a pair of strong and compassionate hazel eyes, set in a face she most certainly approved of. He held a trace of divine power, too, and upon closer investigation proved to be a Legacy of Thanatos, Lord of Death. She peered into his mind, which caused his eyes to widen slightly.

'He knows occlumency, eh? How interesting,' She mused. 'That Hecate gave them such a gift as to feel an intrusion upon one's mind.'

The goddess then glanced at the woman. Her hair went to her shoulders in a passionate and silky auburn. She had soft emerald green eyes in a lovely face, kissable pink lips, and a pretty figure. She too held a trace of divinity, from Hecate herself it seemed, and a much closer descendant with her than that of the man with Thanatos – only four or five generations removed. Aphrodite peered into the woman's mind as well, before coming to a decision.

These two, James and Lily Potter had, amid a war over freedom against a madman named Lord Voldemort, which Aphrodite snorted at since it translated from French into English as "Flight from Death", found love. Within a chaotic world, their love had been a solid pillar of support between them and their close friends and allies, and a foundation of strength. However, during one of their battles against the forces of evil, Lily had been hit by a curse from one of Voldemort's followers named Bellatrix Lestrange, that had rendered her infertile, stealing her chance to have children. Lily had been devastated, as it was her dream to have a child with the man she loved, and now she couldn't have any. Refusing to allow his wife to suffer, James had gone through his family's library, where he found an ancient scroll for a fertility rite that, unknown to them, called upon her power.

They had performed it, and she could grant the woman fertility for a child; however, this was the first time in hundreds of years that such a rite had been performed, and the way that Aphrodite was seeing it, deserved a little something extra.

'Besides,' She thought to herself, smirking with mischief and desire. 'It has been quite some time since I have participated in a Ménage a Trois.'

With that in mind, Aphrodite revealed herself to James and Lily, appearing in all of her glory- toned down so as not to destroy their mortal minds, of course.

"I am Aphrodite," she proclaimed, "Goddess of Love and Fertility, I must say, it has been quite some time since I have been called upon in such a way."

To say that James and Lily were shocked, would certainly be an understatement; when they found the scroll that possessed the fertility ritual that they were trying, they had never imagined that they would summon the presence of the Goddess of Fertility herself. It was true that in the magic world, wizards and witches still believed in the gods and goddesses of old, and some families even worshipped a specific god or goddess. There were however some Pureblood families, at least in Magical Britain, that were trying to move away from the old practices since they believed that the Pureblood magic-users were the top of the food chain and not the gods and goddesses of old. Even Lord Voldemort himself was advocating for the abandonment of the worship of the gods.

When they felt an odd sensation of something completely bypassing their Occlumency shields. They both could feel something or someone rifling through their minds, and all they could get in return, was the sense of sheer power, and interest. Then, just as abruptly, the presence was gone from their mind.

Next, suddenly and without warning, a woman appeared, introducing herself as Aphrodite, the revered Goddess of Love and Beauty, as well as Fertility: the very individual that they were praying to. She was like desire made flesh for both James and Lily. Golden blonde hair spilled in long waves down her back, looking as soft as a baby chick's down. Her eyes, framed by tasteful mascara, were like a kaleidoscope, unable to reveal their true colors. Her face was delicate but held strength, and her lips were a succulent and vibrant cherry. Her body was all luscious curves and smooth satin skin-toned by the sun. Dressed in raiment of gold and turquoise, she dominated the area with her sheer presence.

Although Lily knew that all those books on Greek mythology she and Tuney had read as children were true, she was still shocked to find herself in the presence of such a Goddess. Much less the very one that she hoped could grant her the wish she hoped for. She glanced once more at Aphrodite, and then promptly turned scarlet as she guessed what was to come.

Several very active hours later, the three were laying in bed together, nude and pleasantly exhausted. Aphrodite lay comfortably sandwiched between the couple, and she felt very satisfied. She gave a long, luxurious stretch before sitting up and glancing at her bedmates. James had a vague smirk on his face while Lily had a slightly glazed look of satisfaction on hers.

"Well, it seems congratulations are in order, my dears," Aphrodite said, gaining the couple's attention. "This wonderful night has gotten me with child, which I have transferred into your body, Lily. The three of us are now proud, soon-to-be parents."

The looks on their faces were, quite frankly, hilarious.

"H-how, how does that work, exactly?" James had to ask, even though he knew he sounded slightly desperate, but also hopeful as well.

"It would be as if you two had a child who was blood adopted by me," Aphrodite explained, looking into James' eyes. "Genetically, it would be as if you two had a child, who had a father with me. However, I can assure you that it still is you son."

Silence reigned for a few moments before Lily burst out.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said, tears of joy evident in her emerald green eyes.

Aphrodite patted her gently on the shoulder, nodded at the two of them, and promptly disappeared. While she had not told them, Aphrodite had made sure that their son's genetic appearance would closely mirror James, while his eyes and nose would be those of Lily's, and his lips would come from Aphrodite herself. However, before going back to Olympus, Aphrodite tracked down the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange, and in retaliation for what she did to Lily, took away her fertility. Aphrodite didn't like it when someone took away another woman's ability to have children and believed that those who did, should suffer a punishment befitting their crime. After she was finished, she returned to Olympus, smiling as she found Hephaestus waiting for her, and spent the rest of the morning with him.

Hadrian James Potter (who for the most part would be called Harry) was born nine months later on July 31, 2000, to the proud Potter couple. Sirius Black became their son's godfather, with Elizabeth Greengrass as his godmother, and were told the truth of Harry's origins, after swearing themselves to secrecy. Though they were surprised by the reason for Lily's miraculous pregnancy, and while Sirius was slightly downtrodden on missing the sight of a sex goddess, they both resolved themselves to be the best godparents they could be. About three months after Harry's birth, a message from his Divine Mother was sent, telling the couple about Camp Half-blood, and how Harry would have to go there for summers, when he got older so that he would be able to learn how to protect himself from the monsters that would hunt him down for his divine ancestry.

After several months, Albus Dumbledore, James and Lily's former headmaster, and a trusted friend came to tell them of a prophecy he'd overheard while interviewing a woman for the Divination post at Hogwarts. So, they went into hiding under the Fidelius Charm performed by the headmaster and used a man named Peter Pettigrew, another of the Marauders, as their secret keeper while telling everyone else that it was Sirius Black who kept it. Unfortunately, Peter was a traitor.

On October 31, Lord Voldemort himself came to their home in Godric's Hollow, after his minion Peter, told him the location of the one prophesied to defeat him. He slew James and then moved on to Lily. She denied him thrice when he offered to let her go in exchange for the child, and he murdered her. However, the denials numbered three before the murder, a powerful number in magic, and when Voldemort cast the killing curse upon Harry, it rebounded, destroying Voldemort's body in the process.

As a result, Harry was largely untouched by the curse, thanks to Lily's sacrifice. The only that the rebounded curse did leave behind, was a scar upon the forehead of the child, with a piece of Voldemort's soul trapped inside of it.

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