First Signs

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Our plans, the next day, however, were definitely nothing we were expecting. While I could walk, it was nowhere near my normal speed. My limp was easily noticeable, my splinted left leg still difficult to move.

I felt awful for them having to be slower for me. Without having an extra pony for me, I was forced to ride with one of the Company if we were not all walking.

"Ya alright, lass?"

The sweet dwarf with the funny hat sidled his pony up next to mine and Balin's, hearing my heavy sigh. I gave him a slight smile. It was difficult enough with my depressed thoughts as they were, but with the added stress of some of them already worrying over me and I'd barely known them for a day?

Almost like a punch to the gut.

"My leg hurts a little, and my ribs hurt. Nothing major," I quietly lied. While they did hurt, it wasn't the cause of my funk.

Bofur gave me the warmest smile I'd ever seen, his slightly crooked teeth showing. However, the light in his eyes wasn't as noticeable. I briefly wondered if he could tell that I was lying. The thought alone sent a surge of pain through my chest.

Before the sweet dwarf could say anything as a response, Thorin's booming voice cut through the air, alerting the entire Company, letting everyone know we would be stopping for now. I let out a quiet sigh of relief. I felt bad for the poor pony Balin and I were sharing. It was starting to lag a bit half an hour ago, and I could sense its exhaustion.

Bofur watched me as I gingerly patted the pony's side affectionately as we finally stopped, my brow creased in worry, clearly concerned for the creature. His lips curled into a tiny smile at the simple, unseen act of compassion before directing his own pony to where it would rest for the time being.

Once Balin's footing was secure on the ground, he was quick to turn back to me and help me down. Normally I would have protested, but given my injuries, I was in no position to do so, despite my pride screaming otherwise. I gave him a mumbled "thank you" and a respectful nod.

I looked around the area. It was a nicely wooded area, with the ruins of a small wooden house nearby, clearly long been forgotten. I briefly wondered what the story was of the humble home, only my thoughts were broken when the pony in front of me snorted, nudging my arm with its snout.

"Seems she likes you..."

I had only heard the timid voice speak once, when everyone introduced themselves. Ori, believe? The dwarf gave me a weak smile and stepped a little closer. "Th-they're very smart creatures."

I nodded in agreement, petting the pony's neck affectionately. My voice was quiet, my anxiety starting up a little. I didn't understand why. "Animals are a lot smarter than most believe...usually better company,too. I've always gotten along better with animals than people.."

Ori was quick to nod profusely at my words, then looked back at the pony, who nudged my arm even harder than before and huffed.

I worriedly frowned, murmuring a "what's wrong?" to the pony, even if it was stupid to ask the mare. I knew she couldn't answer me. A thought crossed my mind, prompting me to look around the camp to the other ponies, then back to mine. My concerned look only worsened.

"When was the last time we stopped to water the ponies and let them graze...?"

After several minutes of quietly convincing several members of the company, I was able to take all fourteen ponies with me and Bilbo to give them a much-needed drink.

"Thank you for coming with me. I didn't think Thorin would ever agree." I hadn't spoken once to him until now, and only when the ponies were finally drinking. The halfling had volunteered to come with me when Thorin had outright refused my offer to help. I was grateful; I felt less stressed around him than some of the others.

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