"Hagrid. Exactly what is that?" Ron asked.

"Mum when she sees your grades." Marina laughed.

"A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then -- who wants ter come an' say hello?"

The entire class stepped back, leaving Marina and Harry in front.

"Brave soul Marina! Good man, Harry!" Hagrid smiled.

Marina shrugged, "Ah, what the hell." Then walked to Hagrid.

Harry looked around, then -- reluctantly -- approaches. Not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Marina.

"Tha's it. Easy now... stop! This here's Buckbeak, Harry and Marina. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?"

Marina smiles confidently. (Something Harry admires her for, but don't tell her that.) Unsure, Harry nodded anyway. The two step forward. And... bow.

Buckbeak's head cocks, eagle eyes studying Harry and Marina cannily. The two teens waits. And waits...

"Back off, Harry! Back off!"

Harry starts to step back, when...Buckbeak ducks his beak.

"Well done, Harry! You too well Marina! Go on. Give 'im a pat."

Tentatively, Harry reached out, lays his hand on Buckbeak's fierce beak. The class clapped. Harry smiles. Marina then stroked its fur. Making the class clap louder.

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!" Hagrid suggested.

Marina smiled, "Hell yeah!"

Harry's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"We'll jus' set yeh and Marina behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that."

Hagrid lifts Harry high, drops him onto Buckbeak's back.

"Wait...I don't know if I should do this Hagrid..." Harry said.

"Don't yer worry Harry, Marina is gonna ride with yeh." Hagrid told him. Marina groaned.

Harry grinned. "Oh okay then."

Marina sat behind Harry on Buckhead. Ready to fly.

"You can hold onto me if you want, Y'know if you get scared." Harry whispered in her ear.

"And catch god knows what diseases? I would rather snog Seamus." spat Marina, but Harry still smiled anyway.

Hagrid then rapidly slapped Buckbeak's hindquarters.

As Buckbeak galloped forward, Marina screams, making Marina hold onto Harry for dear life, giant wings unfold, huge and powerful, and -- whoosh! -- they soar into the air. Rising higher. And higher. And higher. Gradually, Harry loosens his hold on Buckbeak's neck.

"I thought I have diseases?" laughed Harry.

"Shut up prickkkkk!" Marina shouted.

Harry touched her hands. Making her flinch. What the hell was he doing? The boy loosened her grip on him. Making them both lose themselves in the joy of flying.

Smiling at the sight of his, Marina, and Buckbeak's shadow racing across the grass below. Seeing Harry enjoy circling over the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts castle, and then swooping, with heart-stopping speed, over the Black Lake.

Buckbeak's talons tickling the smooth glass of the water, summoning the giant squid to the surface briefly. Whistled then, and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock, galloping to a halt. As Harry slides off, the class cheered -- all except Draco, who narrows his eyes maliciously.

"Whoo! Go Marina! That's my best friend everyone!" screamed Lavender happily.

"Can we go get some food to celebrate?!" shouted Pavarti. Making Lavender giggle.

As the two got off Buckbead, Harry couldn't seem to get his eyes off Marina as she walked off to stand with Pavarti and Lavender.
Suddenly, Draco pushes past them roughly, strides toward Buckbeak.

"Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute --" Draco said.

"Lavender. Get your Muggle Polaroid camera out. I wanna remember this in twenty years." whispered Marina.

In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talons slash down. Malfoy froze. Looks down at the blood blossomed on his robes. Shrieks. Instantly, Marina dashes forward. Buckbeak whipped around, raises its talons and -- seeing Marina -- lowers them. Ducks its beak. Marina... realizing what she has done... breathes.

"It's killed me! It's killed me!" screamed Draco.

Marina cackled as she snapped a few photos of Malfoy with Lavender's camera.

"Oh Marina your so mean." Pavarti blurted.

"I know."

"Calm down! Yer just scratched yah self!" Hagrid said looking at the deep gash on Draco's limb,

"Hagrid. He's got to be taken to a hospital. I'll go with you, if you like --" Hermione stated.

"No. I'm the teacher. You all... you all just... Class dismissed!"

And with that, Hagrid -- looking shaken -- swoops up Malfoy, flops him over his shoulder, and lumbers toward the castle.

As the three teenage girls started to walk off to the castle, as Marina laughed at the photos. Lavender and Pavarti couldn't help but smirk as they noticed Harry smiling as he watched her laugh.

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