Getting to Know Her

Start from the beginning

"And who the hell is Exel?" She asked, a confused look on her face.

"Well your name is 37-D2 is it not?" I questioned and she nodded hesitantly. "Yeh well Nick Van Exel is a famous basketball whose number is 37."

"Okay! Thanks!" She exclaimed, her face breaking out in grin.

I raised an eyebrow, not expecting that reaction. "Thanks?"

"Yeah! You gave me a name that isn't just a bunch of numbers!" She smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back at the girl, she seemed to have that effect on me.

"Anyyyyy whoozle." I said. "Back to my first question of what you were doing?"

She made a face that looked as though she was in deep thought. "Oh well, might as well tell you!"

I smiled again as I sat down next to her. I looked at the screen, multiple lines of letters and numbers were appearing on the screen.

"What's happening?" I asked, a bit unsure of what she was doing.

"Hacking Starkie." She replied bluntly. 

I raised my eyebrows. "WHAT!"

"Geezus!" She rubbed her ears. "Are you deaf or something?"

"Why are you hacking into Starks computer systems!?" He questioned, a bit exasperated with the situation he was in.

"Cuz it's fun and i'm bored." She deadpanned.

I thought a bit. "Screw it let's do it."

She smiled at me, before turning back to her screen and typing a few more things into her computer at lightning speed. In a matter of moments, a video of everyone sitting in the living room was brought up.

"Wait where did you get that?" I asked her, thoroughly intrigued at this point.

"Its the security cameras" She replied.

My eyes widened, as I thought of how impressive this girl really was. I watched as they all talked amongst each other, before Tony pulled up a hologram of a young boy.

"Whose that?" She questioned me, pointing to the hologram.

"Not sure...?" I shrugged.

"Charlie Spencer apparently." Her eyes squinting.

"How'd you know?" I asked, completely befuddled as the computer wasn't emitting sound.

"Lip-reading." She answered.

Jesus, i thought to myself. What cant this girl do?

"Can you tell me what they're saying?" I asked her.

"Umm yeh." She replied, her eyes completely focused on the screen. "Something about how he was killed in Sokovia and how he had a future ahead of him and how you guys need to be out in line, wait wait now Steve is talking. He's objecting saying that they need to have a choice. Sorry they're all talking quite fast its hard to keep track. But overall its basically the government wanting to put a leash on you guys. Seems Tony, Nat, Rhodey and Vision agree and Steve, Clint and Bucky disagree."

"What about Wanda?" I asked, knowing that she was still traumatised from what had happenned in recent events.

"She seems to be staying pretty quiet, not saying much, looks almost guilty if you ask me. Why what happened to her?"

"Something happened, where people got hurt and she blames herself." I sighed, not wanting to go into detail.

She nodded.

"What are they saying now?"

She sighed. "They're talking about me...and how they don't know If they can trust me..."

I pursed my lips, as a sad and frustrated look came over her face.

"I need some fresh air, i'll be outside on the roof if you need me." She said before walking off.

My shoulders sagged. I felt bad for the poor girl, I really did. I mean after listening to the story she told Steve, only a monster wouldn't.

Even with the short time I had spent with her I already trusted her, and was upset myself that my team mates didnt trust her.

"Guys why dont you trust her?" I huffed as I walked back into the lounge.

"Wait how the hell do you know?" Tony asked.

"That's not the point." I exclaimed.

"It is now, how the hell did you know what we were discussing when you weren't even in the room?" Tony questioned, as everyone else in the room had stopped their conversations and were now focusing on us.

"The girl is a hacker okay now why don't you trust her?" I asked.

The room seemed to freeze.

"You don't think she's the hacker who hacked us multiple times?" Nat reasoned.

"She could be..." Tony rubbed his chin in thought. 

"I mean judging by her speed, strength and smarts I'd say she's around 16 to 18?" Steve suggested.

"She 14." I butted in.


Ahhhhhh i love sam so much, anyways so as you know its civil war time, still deciding whose team she'll be on thought...

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