"What class do you have first?" Maeve asked, trying to avoid the topic of Aimee.

"It was supposed to be Geography, but it's been cancelled."

Maeve frowned, "Why'd you come in then?

Tuesday shrugged, "I wanted to catch you before your class."

If anything, Maeve's blush only deepened and she groaned, "Ah, Tuesday, it's too early for this." she said before muttering, "You're turning me way too soft."

She laughed, "Don't think I've ever seen you so red, Maeve." She teased, poking her ribs with a smile.

Maeve just turned around and opened her locker, being sure to hide her face in there whilst she grabbed her books out for her next two classes.

"You have English first, right?" Tuesday asked, leaning against the locker and looking down at her feet.

"Yup, English and then Bio." Maeve sighed, "I really can't be arsed with all of this today."

Tuesday nodded, "Yeah, I feel you." She chuckled, "May I walk you to your class, Ma'am?"

Maeve nodded with a smile and closed her locker, "You may."

"My dad comes back today." Tuesday said, getting her phone out of her pocket and checking the time.

Maeve raised her eyebrows and looked to her beside her, "Oh damn, you gonna see him later?"

Tuesday nodded, "He wants to have dinner with us all." She said, "Is it bad of me to say I kinda hope I have a seizure so I don't have to?"

Maeve chuckled, "Don't wish that - I don't want to see you hurt." She mused, "Just pretend you're tired and need rest 'n sleep through dinner."

Tuesday scrunched her face up and groaned.

"It might be nice," Maeve tried, "You haven't seen him in a while. Besides, maybe he'll have brought you back something from Zurich?"

Tuesday chuckled, "Think I have enough fridge magnets from Zurich to last a lifetime."

Maeve laughed and shook her head, "You can never have enough magnets." She mused, "My gran used to have a fridge covered in magnets, when she passed I got some of hers - when you come visit my wonderful home I'll point them out to you."

"Please do." Tuesday smirked, "I've been awaiting that invite."

Maeve shoved her as the two naturally came to a stop as they got to Miss Sands classroom.

"You know you're always welcome." Maeve said, shaking her head as she chuckled, "It's just kinda out of your way."

Tuesday narrowed her eyes at Maeve playfully, "Seems like excuses to me, Wiley."

Maeve laughed, "You're unbearable."

Tuesday shrugged with a faint smile and then nodded towards the classroom door where she could see Miss Sands looking out with an inpatient expression, waiting for Maeve to come in and join the class.

"I think you should go in." Tuesday mumbled, "But, I'll catch you later though, yeah?"

Maeve nodded begrudgingly and turned around to go and sit in her designated seat, giving Miss Sands a small nod and then grinning when she saw Tuesday peering through the door with a smile before the girl vanished off down the hallway, presumably going to the library. Maeve's classes seemed to drag by, as did break and her study period without Tuesday. Lunchtime came and she sat down at one of the tables with Aimee, the two engaging in small talk.

"Whoa." They heard a chorus of commotion from the otherside of the canteen causing the two to look over.

Maeve and Aimee both seemed to have the same awful feeling at the pit of their stomach's, making them both go over and see what was happening. A crowd was forming around, which they both quickly pushed to get to the front of, their hearts sinking at the sight of Tuesday in the middle of it. Maeve rushed forward and cupped her hand underneath her head, cringing when she felt some wetness.

tuesday [maeve wiley]Where stories live. Discover now