Chapter seventeen

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• We Almost Fly To The Moon •


• November 8 •

My hair was wet and my clothes were soggy, but at least I was alive. And so was James, but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Sure, I liked him. A lot. But with that, came pure hatred. I wanted to murder him. The way he felt so much smarter than me, rubbing it in my face. Of course it was true, but he didn't have to tell me.

The day started off as any other in the past, what, two weeks now? God. I had spent two weeks with James. James had spent two weeks with me. Poor James.

"Sup lil dummy wake your stupid little butt up." Nevermind. Not poor James.

"James, god." I said, groggily. "What time is it?"

"I don't know, but the sun is shining and we're almost completely dead in the dead world." I rubbed my eyes, yawning.

"Why are you so eager?"

"Because I do not want to die!"

I slapped him. Correction: I tried to slap him. He dodged it. And then punched me in the arm. "How is it, that whenever I wake you up, you try to murder me, but then when you wake me up, it's ok to be as rude as possible?"

"Because your friends murdered me,"

"They murdered me, too. You can't use their sins against me. I didn't do anything."

"Guilty by association." He stood up, looking outside. 


"Too bad. I'm the leader." I groaned and layed back down. Why did I think it was a good idea to rescue him?

"Why is that?"

"Hmm. Let me see... I'm smarter than you, I have the best ideas, I'm way more responsible, oh yeah, I'm your guide." he counted on his fingers. 

"You're unlikeable. That's what you are"

"Ok. But you're equally, if not more unlikeable than I am."

"Why do I even like you?"

"I dunno. I don't even like me. Guess you have a thing for gay Italians." I stood up and walked, well, more like stumbled over to James. 

"This is a pointless argument."

"Well, we are experts at being pointless." James said, truthfully.

"I wanna die." I complained.

"Yeah, well don't. We both did that once, and I think once is enough."

"Ok but if we spend any longer in this cave, I'm going to actually kill myself."

"Yeah, alright. I'm taking all your weapons from now on and maybe some pointy sticks that you find lying around." He said, while we collected our things and evacuated out of the cave.

"What. I didn't agree to this."

"Nope. But that's not how thefts work."

"I thought you were my--," I stopped. Oh shit.

He smiled, "Your what?"

I wanted to kill him. "I-- forget it."

"Ricky..." He walked over to me, "Were you going to call me your--?"

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