Chapter thirteen

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• TAKE ME AWAYYYY - Wait No Please Don't •


• November 3 •

I woke up. That was good. For a few minutes there I thought I wouldn't. Another good thing was that I wasn't cold. I was sweating. Gross.

I ninja rolled away from Ricky, who still had his arms around me. I had enough of him. Maybe I didn't, but that's not-- no. Ew.

I studied for a bit until he woke up.

"Are you still cold?" He asked.

"No. Why would I be all the way over here if I was still cold and you were my only source of heat?"

"I don't know. What are you doing?"


"Oh. That's lame."

"Well what else am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, but something you can do now, is give me some food."

I chucked an apple at his head.

"What the heck? Do you just have apples on you all the time? You didn't even open your bag!?"

I grabbed apple after apple, throwing them at his head.


I pointed up. "Apple tree."


"Uh, well, I'm going to go back into the lake to clean off all your sweat." i said, gesturing to myself.

"That's a good idea," Ricky got up with me, took a bite out of an apple and then chucked it behind him.

I took off my shirt when we got to the lake, and rolled up my pants. When I got in, it was really cold, which didn't bring back great memories. Ricky, however, seemed to enjoy the coolness of the water.

"Are you enjoying that?"

"God, yes. I haven't felt cold in 24 hours. Sort of."

I splashed him, kind of really jealous.

"That was rude."

"I know."

I quickly washed myself off, then got out of the water as fast as I could.

"Do you have any soap?" Ricky stupidly asked me.

"Why the heck would I have soap?"

"You seem to have everything else. Televisions, chainsaws, pineapples,"

"That doesn't mean I have soap."

He shut up after that, and soon came out of the water.

"Hurry up, stupid. We need to get going. It's nearly noon."

"Fine, Jamie."

"Don't call me that." I could almost feel my face turn red. Hell hell hell hell.

"How do you know it's almost noon, anyway?" Ricky asked, smiling in a way that indicated that he was going to call me Jamie for the rest of eternity. great.

I pointed to the sun. "It's not that difficult."

"Yes, it is."

"It's only difficult if your brain is the size of a pea."

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