Chapter sixteen

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• Love & Acid Rain. Oh, And Giant Cave Monsters Trying To Eat You For Lunch •


• November 6 - 7 •

We ran. Ran ran ran. As far as we could. Until all three of us were out of breath, and we were lying on the grass, gasping for air.

"Hey... Jamie..." Ricky said, staring at the sky. "It's good to see you again."

I placed my hand on his jaw and turned his head until we were face to face, only inches apart.

"We're... r-really close." He said. I swallowed, looking into his eyes. A blush slowly started to form on his cheeks, and probably on mine too.

I moved in closer. And kissed him. Why? I didn't know. Yes I did.

I pulled back.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to— yes I did— sorry— I should've asked you— I just— sorry." I said, tripping over my words. I wanted to kick myself.

"Shut up, idiot," he kissed me back. I would've told you what I was thinking, but honestly, my brain was just a keyboard smash put into thoughts. So, here: ndhegfsiwopuahdjabc.

You're welcome.

His hand moved to my neck and I sucked in a breath.

"Sorry." He muttered, his lips still really close to mine.

"I-it's fine." I said. "A-amazing actually uh—"

"That's good. I didn't know I-- I was gay,"

"I did."


"Yeah. You're definitely gayer than me." I sat up. He came with me.

"I still like girls though."

"Ok but I would hope you like me more."

"Yeah, I think I do."

"Well, that is good." I moved to kiss him again when I heard a cough. Oh frick. Scarlet. I completely forgot about her.

"S-scar?" I asked, swiveling to face her. She was staring at a tree, one with a hollow in it. She swallowed, looking at it for long enough to be not normal. "Scar, what's the matter?"

"There." She whispered.

"Whe—oh." I said, looking at it.

"What are you two looking at?" Ricky asked as I stood up.

"It's her entrance." I said. "I-I don't have my scythe on me—oh fuck—I'm sorry it should come back to me soon."

"Her entrance?"

"To Tamir. Everyone has their own." I explained. "Most people use the big one at the end of the train tracks though."

"Yeah I assumed that's why we were going on a train." He said.

"It's okay." Scarlet said, almost trancelike.

"It is?" I asked.

"Just— touch it." I did.

A swirling, glowing hole opened up looking like liquid sunlight. Scarlet smiled.

"I'll see you on the other side." She said, sticking her arm though, and as soon as she went in, she disappeared.

"Why can't I just go through?" Ricky asked as it closed up.

"Because. It's Scarlet's entrance. You have your own. We need to find it. Plus, it's kind of too late now."

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