there'll be peace when you are done // lay your weary head to rest

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AN: NB!! This chapter includes the death of main characters and can be skipped if wished. It's sad, and heartbreaking (I kinda cried writing this), but I also kinda find such endings beautiful, because Dean and Cas, and everyone else got to live a happy and long life.



Seventy-nine days after Dean's 91st birthday, on a beautiful and warm spring night, Cas is woken by an electric spark making his heartbeats slow against his chest. He looks over at the man lying close beside him in bed. Breathing softly, slowly, with a smile still lighting up his face. Dean's face is always turned towards Cas, bodies always so close that they touch. Although the years have taken hold of them both, bodies no longer young, he's still beautiful where he lays. Still Dean Winchester.

A single tear escapes from Cas's eye, finding its way down his face. Their bedroom still echoing their last words before they went to sleep. Their sweet and gentle "I love you" still lingering on their lips. Cas knows why his last remaining grace woke him at this moment. He's felt it coming for a few days, and Dean, always able to read Cas, knew too. Now he moves the hand he had been resting on Dean's abdomen, towards his chest. Gently laying it above his heart, Cas can feel the necklace with a small glass ball that always rests against Dean's chest.

And so he watches, as the love of his life slowly draws a last breath.

And so he listens, as the love of his life does not breathe again.

And so he feels, as the love of his life no longer has the power to make his heartbeat.

A whole new kind of silence takes hold of their bedroom. Cas gently closes the small distance between their lips, their lips finding each other




Their foreheads rested against each other, Cas's hand cupping Dean's face, gently stroking those beautiful freckles.

And so, their foreheads still touching, Cas lay his head to rest against Dean's pillow.

And closes his eyes.

Drifting away.

Dean Winchester drew his last breath with a smile still spread across his face, their good night kiss still lingering on his lips. No pain. No fear. Nothing left undone. Nothing left unsaid. Dean Winchester's heart beats one last time, for his angel, at 5:59 am.

Castiel Winchester, woken by his angel grace, to kiss his husband one last time. Lovingly holding on to the man beside him, he rests their heads together on the pillow, his cheek still wet from the tear that broke free. No pain. No fear. Nothing left undone. Nothing left unsaid. Castiel Winchester's heart beats one last time, for his man, at 5:59 am.


Somewhere in the universe, a figure in the shape of a grown man with light blue eyes stops the world around them. For just a second, the blue eyes shift color, as the irises shine gold. Closing their eyes, they let out a long and heavy breath, hand lifted to rest above their heart. As they open their eyes again, after a long moment, the blue eyes are glassy, a sad smile lingering on their lips. No one around the figure of a man notices how their world stopped for a moment, everyone just going on with their lives. The man is gone. No one notice.

The blue eyes figure stands by the edge of the forest, outside a cozy looking house, a garden and backyard lit up by the moonlight. Jack's fathers had chosen to settle a little bit outside town, their house in the middle of a small forest, down by the edge of a small beautiful lake. The lights are off, but the blue eyes linger on the window on the second floor, the one on the right side. A black, very very old, 1967 Chevy Impala is parked in the driveway, beside a jubilee gold 1978 Lincoln Continental Mark V. With quiet steps, Jack moves to look around the corner of the house.

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