Rey Visits Kallie Calwell

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Takes place early 35ABY

After over a year of searching on her own and with Ben, Rey had finally tracked down what she believed to be her aunt Kallie. The problem had been that despite her and her father having the surname Thaney, this new lead suggested that Kallie was given the last name Calwell at birth, and has been married and divorced leaving her name once again Calwell. This had been hard to figure out, especially without access to New Republic or Resistance databanks, but thanks to some good old fashion investigation she was now landing her shuttle on a landing platform not far from the Ithorian House of Healers near Cloud-Mother.

She was wearing simple clothes, she did not wish to draw suspicion, she already did that from being a minority species on this world. She asked around for if anyone knew the location of Kallie Calwell, and after about an hour an elderly Ithorian woman gave Rey an address. Her house was not far away, and it did not take Rey long to get there, however she found herself standing just outside the door, her hand just hovering over the buzz-pad. Finally she pressed it.

After a minute or so the door finally opened and a much older woman was standing in the door way. She looked as if she had blonde hair in her youth, but her hair had long since gone white, and although she appeared to be in her early 70's her green eyes still sparkled with adventurness. She had a black water droplet tattoo under her right eye that made Rey fear she was not the right woman.

"Can I help you?"

"I am hoping, are you Kallie Calwell, daughter of Annileen Thaney?"

"Yes, although it's been a long time since I have heard my mother's maiden name, she never went by it while I was alive."

"Do you mind if I come in."

"Of course, come in, I have a feeling you have a story to tell."

The woman took her to a room just to the side of the door where there were not one, not two, but three long sofas facing each other at an optimal angle. Rey sat at one of these couches and Kallie at another.

"I have a lot of children and even more grandchildren, but none are here today."

She pointed to the many photos hung on the wall indeed showing a large family of surprisingly not just humans.

"You have Ithorian and Twi'lek relatives?"

"Yes, my first husband was Ithorian, rest his sole, and somehow we actually managed to have a child, my son Uloo. Empire killed him when they learned he breeded with a human."

"I'm sorry to hear that. The Empire separated my parents from the rest of my family years before I was even born, that's why I am here, I have no way to prove it to you, but Shnee Thaney was my father."

"You don't have to prove anything to me child, I can see it in your face, you look a little like how I looked like as a youth, as well as my mother. You must be Kira."

"How do you know my name, did my father actually survive the pirates?"

"No, my apologies for confusing you like that, it was not my intention. No, for almost 20 years me and my brother Jabe never knew what happened to our half-brother, but one day, maybe 15 years ago, I received an encrypted message."

"From my father?"

"Yes, in a way. I'm not going to bury the lead my child, Shnee is dead. He was killed by the very pirates he hired to get off world, but he had a written message addressed to me on him in case this happened and I guess on of the pirates found it and took pity on him. I'm sorry."

"I feared it was true, I think I knew since he got into orbit that he wasn't coming back, I felt it, but I tried convincing myself for 16 years that that wasn't the case. If you knew about me why didn't you try and find me?"

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