Chapter 14: Awaken

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Outside Safron rebooted, her vision restored and a diagnostic taking place as she spoke with the Captain. "Sir, the readings I obtained from the recent burst suggests this radiation is highly toxic to humans."

The doctor jumped in sarcastically. "You don't say."

"Indeed doctor therefore I must enter the cave as I am synthetic and immune to the radiation." She turned to the Captain. "They will not survive another burst."

Captain West knew she was making sense even in the heavy duty suit he was wearing he felt the energy hit him, only slight but it still penetrated the suit. He checked the tabs on his left arm, they were already yellow. "Okay."

"I will extract the Captain and Samantha." Safron turned and walked straight into the cave entrance.

Davina watched the data gatherer leave then said out loud to whoever would listen. "Can we trust that thing?"

The Captain spun around clumsily. "We have no choice."


Samantha was feeling tired, a little weak, she glanced down at the unconscious Captain, then at the holographic display just standing there flickering looping over and over again the same damn word...


The Data Gatherer entered.

"Safron..." Samantha was so pleased to see her, "the Captain..."

"...Unconscious." The humanoid knelt down and tried to perform a visual scan of the Captain but the suit was hindering the analysis, she looked up at the holographic image staring at her.

"Identify species...autonomous intelligence identified..." the holographic turned away, "...none human..."

Safron ignored the remark, turned the Captain over onto her back, checked inside the visor and saw the blood trickling down her nose. Quickly she picked the Captain up with ease, and turned to Samantha. "You must follow me it is too dangerous to stay in here., radiation levels are too high."

"Password..." The holographic asked staring over at the artificial human.

"That's all it asks...a damn password, it said it was going to shut down the system, and seal all exits." Samantha said trying to shrug inside her suit.

Safron turned to leave. "We must leave."

Suddenly the hissing of air escaping filled the cave, a loud bang vibrated around them, Samantha looked at the holographic image who flickered, dispersed then re-appeared.

"Lockdown successful, systems shutdown for reboot in five minutes." The image announced.

Safron gently placed the Captain down near the entrance, a steel door was fixed in place where they originally entered. She touched it, then turned to Samantha. "We are locked in." she moved swiftly over to the console. She quickly unscrewed her glove letting it drop to the floor

"What are you doing?" Samantha shouted running across towards the humanoid picking the glove up off the floor.

Safron looked at her, soulless eyes staring. "I need to touch the console, to connect to the system..."

"Connect to the..." Samantha just stared back with disbelief, " can't do that we don't know what that system is, how it works..." she waved her hands in the air as means of expression, "... it could fry your brain!"

"That is a risk I am calculating values of..." quickly and efficiently she calculated the risks and decided to delete the calculation. "...Yes percentage is greater than 80% failure." Safron placed her fingers on the panel, spreading them out, she could already feel the energy form the console, the data streams flowing through its complicated systems. Her mind switched over to scanning the layers of code, strange, unknown letterings, numbers and calculations, she entered the labyrinth of data.

AWAKEN - HUMANITY: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now