Chapter 5 Confession

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~~Makoto's POV~~

Makoto woke up he knew what he had to do today It was January 14th aka Valentine's day and he had feelings for Kyoko that he had never expressed he was certain she would reject him he was an ordinary guy she was the ultimate detective but he just had to tell her he had to get it of his chest... Makoto got ready and began heading towards the school running into Kyoko on the way he said hi and they walked together towards class when arriving they took their seat they where here just in time to not be shouted at by Taka they got registered and made there way towards maths where Makoto would need to sit next to Junko he hated that!

Once they arrive they took their seats a very cutesy styled Junko walked up to him but when she sat down she was swearing at Makoto usual Junko.. 


Junko: "Well I do a personality switch about every 30 seconds"

And now she's being smart right....

Teacher: "So today......"

The lesson went by slowly Makoto was thinking about Kyoko and Junko was shouting over the teacher all the time as usual... Once the lesson finally ended it felt like an eternity but it did eventually end Makoto made his way to Japanese and like usual he found Kyoko next to the door.

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko!"

Makoto decided against telling her now in case anybody was listening

Kyoko: "Hey Makoto"

Makoto: "How was maths?"

Kyoko: "Eh you looked like you could have passed out tho"

Makoto: "Did I...?"

Kyoko: "Yea..."

Kyoko's sentence was cut short by the bell signifying the requirement to go into the classroom they went in and took their seats the lesson went by slowly they where reading a book so Makoto didn't mind much but It wasn't his kind of book at all! Kyoko also looked rather displeased by the choice..

Once the lesson ended they got up and went to science once they arrived they sat down and went through the lesson they where summarizing the experiment they had done yesterday so it didn't take long at the end they still had a few minutes left so they watched a science documentary Makoto enjoyed not having to do any work! 

Makoto met with Kyoko outside of the classroom and they walked to the lunch hall and they sat and talked in the corner of the lunch hall Makoto decided he would tell her after school instead of now Lunch ended faster than Makoto wanted it to so they went to Physical Education they played another round of baseball and Leon dominated as always although he tried to help some other people get better!

When the lesson ended he waited for Kyoko to go back to her dorm then went to hers and knocked on the door.

Kyoko: "Makoto?"

Makoto: "Hey I wanted t-to tell y-you something...."

Kyoko: "O-Oh umm Me too...."

Makoto: "Ok should we say it together? Inside though..."

Kyoko: "Ok.."

Kyoko lets Makoto in and they sit down on the sofa in the room.

Kyoko: "So together?"

Makoto: "T-Together..."

Kyoko: "3.... 2... 1...."

Makoto: "Kyoko I love You!

Kyoko: "Makoto I love You!

Both of their eyes meet in confusion both where expecting the other to reject the other smiles cross onto both of their faces the embrace each other in a hug that lasts for 10 or maybe 20 minutes they don't know they had lost track of time eventually Kyoko separated and kissed Makoto he happily obliged...

A/N Don't worry this is not the end of the Book! I have lots of plot lines I want to explore still However I will be taking a small break from writing as I'm getting some writers block Ill be back soon! As always Criticism ,Support and Suggestions are all welcome in the comments!

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