Chapter 16

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        Serah was pulled into the hallway in just a couple of seconds this time. She swore up and down that today she would be remembering Noel. This would be the day she could finally reciprocate his feelings. When she reached the end of the hallway, however, two doors stood in between her and Noel's door. The second said "Izzabel."

The first plaque read "Snow".

Serah didn't remember anybody named Snow since she'd woken up. They must not have been that important if nobody had mentioned them. Slightly disappointed that she wouldn't be remembering Noel today, she tried the door handle. It was very stubborn and took a few tries to open but it finally did.

When she stepped into the room, all she could feel was indifference. She had a feeling that she and this person were only friends because it was convenient. Then she her mind flashed blinding white and she remembered Snow.


 "Hang on, baby, your hero's on the way."

 "Heroes don't need plans."



He'd kept this from her.

He'd known that she was engaged and haven't thought to mention it, not even to say, "Oh yeah that guy I randomly mentioned once was dead, he would have been your husband. But he's dead so it's like whatever."

Not even that.

The others hadn't said anything either, they were just as responsible.

She woke up in her bed and angrily threw her covers off. Not bothering to put on decent clothes, she stormed out of her room and searched for her first victim. Hope was caught first in the crossfire.


Hope looked very startled and blinked a few times before calmly saying, "I think you should take that up with Noel. He thought it was best. Maqui was for helping you remember."

"THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE." She couldn't calm down for even a second.

Serah stormed down the stairs and looked in the kitchen. There, thankfully (she was still tired and to be honest didn't want to do any more walking especially when being angry was taking up much of her energy) were Noel and Maqui.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELVES." Serah planted herself in front of them and waited.

"What are we explaining?" Noel asked innocently.

"I HAVE A FIANCEE?" she choked a little. "had..a fiancee." That seemed to be the last of her anger. She wasn't fully recovered from the whole ordeal yet.

"This is all on Noel." Maqui said smugly, turning his chair and facing Noel with his arms crossed.

  "I'm just as mad at you as I am at him." She said intensely. He looked surprised and Noel would be lying if he said he wasn't a little pleased he was not the only one being thrown under the bus.

"Alright, alright. I thought that it would be better for everyone if you didn't remember!" He said exasperatedly.

"Better how?!?" Serah and Maqui said at one time, then Serah said, "Shut up Maqui, this is between me and Noel for now."

"You were under so much pressure to remember and if I added to you that your fiancee had died, and you couldn't even remember him, it could have killed you. And I've seen you almost die once, it was one too many times for me. If you'd found out, it would have crushed you, which would have crushed me. It was kind of selfish I know, but it was also not selfish in a way. You know?" Noel had stood up and begun pacing. 

Serah looked at him with pity. For him and for herself. She pitied herself because she couldn't feel as bad as she should have because she didn't know him as well. She pitied Noel because he had to choose between causing her pain now or later. Of course he chose later, she would have. She would've put it off for as long as she could. Of course she would be wishing that maybe she wouldn't have to do it at all.

She understood him.

"Noel." she said gently. He looked up from his pacing.

"I understand." she said and Noel looked relieved. "I would've done the same. I'm not upset anymore."

"But—why aren't you upset?" Maqui said a little angrily.

"I never really loved Snow romantically. We were together as a convenience. He was a great friend and I loved him for that, but do you honestly think Snow would have left his fiancee alone to become a l'cie again even when he didn't have anything specific to fight against? At least if he really loved her?" Serah explained.

Maqui closed his eyes, trying to comprehend it.

"Alright. I got it." he sighed. "I'm sorry that I wanted to tell you about Snow. I realize now that it could have caused a lot of problems."

"Good." Serah said, smiling now that the whole Snow ordeal was over. "Now, why don't you go find Hope and let him console you?" Serah said knowingly with a smirk.

"Wha—I??" He didn't get a whole word out before Serah shoved him out of the room.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed, I tired myself out already." she looked at Noel who was holding himself back quite obviously. "Only one more door before you and I'll be able to remember. Maybe I you somehow."

"I hope so..." Noel said distantly as Serah left the room

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