The Talk

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    Kao’s Pov

    I turned the car’s ignition off and collected some paperwork and stuffed it in my bag. When I went into the main door, the silence throughout the house was too loud. No one was in sight which I found weird because they were usually in the living room or kitchen. 

It came across my mind that P’Pete might be in the bedroom so I went upstairs and started to hear more than one mumbling voices in the room. I turned the door knob and peaked in, curious to who was in the room with Pete. It was just my mom and Pete’s dad talking with Pete. 

“Oh Kao, what are you doing here so late?” My mother asked with watery eyes. 

“I was helping Sandee with her math homework. What’s wrong?” I noticed that everyone was staring at me and my mom seemed as if she was crying or holding back some tears. 

“Nothing. I better leave. I have a lot to do before the day ends.” my mom said, leaving. 

“Me too. I have to finish a presentation for work.” Pon with a sad expression responded after my mom left, leaving only me and Pete alone.  

When we were finally alone, I asked Pete as I sat down on the bed, “ do you know what’s wron-?

“I have no idea.” Pete cut me off mid-sentence. He seemed like he was in a bad mood by the way he didn’t look at me and having his eyebrows scrunched angrily. 

“P’Pete are you mad? At me?” I asked in a sweet tone to uplift the mood of the room. To my surprise, he gave me the silent treatment whenever he’s trying not to start an argument.

“Did I do something wrong?” I questioned him furthermore. I started to remember that he talked to June and Thada. What if June and Thada betrayed me and told Pete everything that I confessed to them. Why would they betray me? 

“ How did it go with P’June and P’Thada?”

“What do you think?” He snapped back in my face. At that moment, I knew that June and Thada snitched on me. Why did I even have trust in them in the first place. My palms were beginning to sweat at the thought of Pete knowing that I self harm behind his back. 

My blood started to boil as Pete began to yell at my face, “What do you think they told me? When are you going to have trust in me?!” He kept ranting on and on, his face turning red and I slowly lost my temper. I got up to face him in the face to snarl back at him. 

“What’s wrong?!” I gritted my teeth, my veins popping out of my forehead. 

“I should be the one asking you! I’m so tired of dealing with you” Pete hollered at my face making me feel inferior as he was looking down at me. I felt more frightened than ever before but got the courage out of nowhere to bark back. 

“Well, I’m sick and tired of your short temper.” I started to tear up because I felt overwhelmed with his attitude. 

“What do you think they told me? When are you going to have trust in me?!” He kept repeating himself. He truly sounded hurt when he said the last statement. His patience declined as long as I wasn’t telling him. 

“Fine, if you want me to tell you what’s wrong,” I paused, raising my long sleeve exposing my deep cuts, “I’m cutting!” I burst into tears, avoiding eye contact in embarrassment, afraid of his outburst or the possibility of breaking up with me but to my surprise he pulled me into a huge embrace. I felt himself shake and his sobs took me aback. 

The tears were spilling out of nowhere. Hearing his sobs shattered my heart and made me regret self harming-but just for a moment. We stayed like this for a while. He pulled out of the hug and wiped his tears, staring at my wounds.

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