Chapter 36 - You're My Moon

Start from the beginning

"That's what I thought Juliette."

Ruining her pleasure with the cookie, her shoulders slumped and she smacked her powdered sugar hands on her dark pants.

"Fuck around and find out Ollie."

Just as those words left Juliette's angry lips, Prince was at the door, eyebrows raised, eyes wide as hell and lips in a small "O" knowing he had walked in at a most inopportune time.

"I apologize Prince. I don't normally speak this way. You do understand that my husband worries about our do I but I see the happiness she is experiencing and simply want it to continue. She deserves to be happy."

"She deserves to be safe and happy." Oliver spouted turning away from them both and looking out the window. 

Moistening his lips and choosing his words carefully before speaking, Prince had to be smart about this.

"Safe huh?" Before he could continue, Oliver interjected.

"Hell yes safe." His tone was an unmistakable upper crust, Kennedy with a French flair.

"Like a nice tweed, horned-rimmed glasses professor type? Maybe with a revolving door of student honeyies and a book about your own daughter's forgiveness that many might have twisted as desperate kind of safe?"

"My daughter is not desperate…"

Prince placed two fingers in the air to subdue him.

"No she's not but that book may have portrayed her that way." 

"What the hell do you know? Did you read it?"

"I don't have to, I met the man." Deadpan Prince was somewhat steaming thinking of their encounter at the bar, which also led to her most vulnerable stories, on his lap complete with tender touches. Lord yes,, those stockings too, he can't forget the seduction of her words mixed with raw vulnerability as she removed her garters and stockings.

"You met with him?" Juliette was concerned like some weird alliance was being revealed.

"Not purposefully. He was staying at her hotel in London. I met him at the hotel bar."

"Then you understand my worry? You're just like him…" Oliver announced and Prince chuckled a bit and shook his head insulted by his outrageous bluntness.

"You don't know me or anything about…"

"Oh yes I do." Oliver insisted. "You see all this?" Waving his hands around carelessly showcasing the house. "This isn't me, this is what my job requires of me but are…"

"Oh so I'm supposed to believe that you are above all of this?" Twirling his finger in the air referencing the house and ostentatious furnishings more than contemptuous. "Respectfully sir you play an actor in a part just as much as I do as an entertainer. We both have to live up to a persona defined by others. Do what is expected and we nurture it and exploit it to our advantage to make our living. Don't even try to make it more complicated than that."

A harsh hush enveloped the room.

"You asked our daughter to marry you smack dab in front of me. You don't even have the courtesy to ask me…"

"Oh Oliver stop. My God she's not a young girl. She doesn't even live on our continent. Besides, Noelle was raised with good judgment. She's going to be a mother and..."

"Are you saying she is pregnant?"

With a snap of the head Oliver looked to Prince and then Juliette, meanwhile Prince looked at Juliette wondering how she knew. Prince wasn't ready to speak sharply, ruining their first meeting not to mention the way Noelle wanted to share their news.

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