Grace was back in that cold clean apartment the beast was in front of her threatening her "I swear if you don't start doing as your told I will hurt those little friends of yours"

The beast then goes through the front door of the apartment and into the Parkers apartment with Gracelyn not far behind Peter and May are in the kitchen putting dishes away while Ben is taking a laundry basket into his and Mays bedroom

The first person he goes for is Ben he attacks and then Ben is just laying on the floor with blood all over him and Grace doesn't see breathing and she freaks out then the beast goes for May and the same thing happens to her "Grace help" May calls out to her

She can't move she's so horrified the people that mean the most to her are being killed because of her she starts sobbing "no May I'm so sorry" she keeps on thinking the same words in her head "make it stop" it seems so real she can't believe she let this happen

May is now in the same state as Ben and Peter comes out of his room in the super hero suit that he made he sees May and Ben laying there and screams at Grace "how could you let this happen their gone because of you "

Grace just sobs more she can't help it she did cause this Peter was right she caused the deaths of the only parental figures she ever had .

Peter hears rustling coming from the bed above him and then crying he shoots right up and looks at Grace she's muttering something and shaking her head no Peter then places his hand on her arm which is a mistake she thrashes more becoming more afraid "Grace hey"
He shakes her a little

Grace shoots right up ready to scream but she doesn't she looks around she's in peters room "h-how?" She questions still really frantic from her dream

"I think you had a nightmare" Peter just stands there not knowing what to do

Grace jumps a bit she didn't even notice Peter "th-thanks for waking me" she manages to get out "May and Ben are ok right I'm sorry the beast was there and he attacked Ben and May I think you were there too it was all my fault-"

"Woah it was not your fault and Grace I'm sure their fine if you want to go check we can but it's 3am and it was all a dream anyways that thing is not coming back and it isn't going to hurt you anymore" Peter tries to think of someway to take her mind off of the nightmare  then it hits him "do you want to go out in the kitchen and get ice cream we can talk about it or whatever you want "

Grace just nods and jumps off of the top bunk they tiptoe out to the kitchen turn on the lamp that's in between the kitchen and living room and then sit on the couch with two bowls of ice cream "so you excited for school to start up next week ?" Grace asks wanting to move on from her nightmare

Peter nods "yea it's freshmen year" Peter tries to think of something good to talk about but fails

Grace just sits there kind of awkwardly not knowing what else to say she just sits there eating her ice cream and thinking about her dream

It's obvious to Peter that he isn't doing a good job at comforting her but he's never done this before "do you want to talk about it?"

Grace just sighs and nods knowing that she needs to let it out to someone and she has already opened up a lot to Peter so what's the point of hiding things now "I've never had a nightmare like that before I normally don't get them I did a few years back but it was never the beast going after May and Ben he was after me"

Peter nods "was it realistic or could you tell it wasn't real?"

"It looked pretty real I don't know what I'd do with myself if something like that actually did happen because of me I can't risk doing that to anyone but I don't get how to make it stop" tears start to form but Grace does her best to not let them out

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